Page 143 of Switched

Shit. She’s worried.

“Where is she? Could you try calling a landline?”

“Long story short, she’s in a resort in Golden Palms with Chaos Burning,” she says, shooting me a wry smile when my jaw actually drops.

“Are you kidding? You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope,” she says. “I don’t know the resort’s details off the top of my head, but I sent Scarlett the email, so I can check her laptop while we’re in her house anyway.”

“I think I can guess why she hasn’t called,” I admit.

“I know, I know. She’s with her all-time favorite rock band. Why would she bother checking her phone, right?” She sighs. “I’m just worrying about her like I always do, I guess. She’ll probably tell me something I don’t want to hear when I get through to her room at the resort.”

“How did she end up at a resort with Chaos Burning, anyway?” I ask, as she moves down the porch steps.

“Basically, we did a life swap,” she starts, making me grin.

“I knew it! Twin swap!”

She laughs. “Oh, so you know about those, do you?”

“Well …” I start. “Probably not as much as you do.”

“It’s not the first time we’ve pretended to be each other, but we’ve never tried it for a week before.”

“So, if you hadn’t done that, you would be the one at a fancy beach resort with Chaos Burning?”

Damn. I’m glad they switched places.

“If I could have made myself get on the plane. I have a phobia about flying.”

She shrugs as she moves down the path to the sidewalk.

“That’s pretty common,” I tell her. “I had a friend in college who was afraid to fly.”

“Well, the magazine just partnered with a travel company, and I was basically told I had to take a flight to interview the band in order to get a promotion. I won’t be expected to travel like that again, but if I don’t get the promotion, my old job will have travel expectations so I kind of had to say I’d do it.”

“That sucks. Is your boss a dickhead?”

“My boss is actually pretty great. It’s just the way the magazine is going.”

“Well, I’m glad you got Scarlett to do it for you.”

“It was kind of like fate, I guess. Her favorite band. My worst fear.”

She takes a set of keys out of her purse as we get closer to the house next door.

I really hope Karma isn’t home. That would be a real pain in the ass.

I follow Sapphire to the front door, and we find out she doesn’t need the keys.

“Please tell me Karma’s not home,” I mutter.

Sapphire shrugs. “It’s not like any of Scarlett’s friends keep a regular schedule, but to be honest, they also don’t seem to like to keep the doors locked, either.”

“Seriously?” I ask. “This isn’t the nineteen-fifties.”

“I know, right?” She shakes her head, and then leads me inside.