An alarm goes off at eight in the morning, and E.A. sits up straight away, switching it off and opening his nightstand drawer. He takes out a bottle of pills and uncaps it, tipping one into his hand. He puts the bottle back into the drawer and gets to his feet, and that’s when he stops in his tracks, gaze going to me.
“That’s so funny,” he murmurs. “I forgot you were here.”
“Well, it’s early, so I’ll forgive you.”
He laughs. “Thank God for that.”
“Do you forget a lot of things, or am I the first?”
“I used to,” he admits. “I have systems for things so I don’t lose my keys or anything else that might be important.”
“I don’t think there’s a system for this,” I tell him. “You can use the bathroom first. I think I’ll need to go home for clothes.”
“Yes on using the bathroom first. No on the second thing.”
He moves around the bed, leaving me with my jaw hanging open.
“What do you mean, no on the second thing?” I manage to blurt before he closes the bathroom door behind him.
He turns back at looks at me, frowning. “Oh, right. I meant no, you can’t go back to that shitty apartment. It’s not safe, and you’re supposed to be resting until that wound heals.”
He starts to close the door, as if that’s the end of the discussion.
I stare at him. “Are you kidding me?”
He seriously thinks he can tell me what to do? I knew there was a reason I couldn’t stand Alphas.
He sighs and pauses the door close. He rests his head against the edge of it and looks at me.
“Echo and Spencer can retrieve whatever you need from home. When I said it wasn’t safe, I meant in general. It’s not a good neighborhood, and those apartments are not particularly secure.”
Well, damn. As if I needed more reasons to be afraid to be alone in that apartment.
“You can’t tell me what to do,” I tell him, as I step out of his way too comfy bed.
“Actually, I could,” he reminds me.
“Are you threatening me?” I ask, really starting to get annoyed.
He lets go of the bathroom door and comes toward me.
“I’m not trying to be threatening,” he says. “But if you don’t get back in bed and actually rest, I’ll consider getting out my Alpha command voice.”
What a dick! I glare at him. “I’ll call Spencer, and …”
“And he’ll be just as mad as I am that you haven’t been looking after yourself properly. I assure you he’ll side with me on this one.” He puts a hand on his hip as he stares back at me as if he’s daring me to keep mouthing off.
“Oh my God,” I mutter, trying not to laugh. “You look like my mom right now.”
He crosses his arms. “That’s probably because you’re acting like an unruly teenager.”
“Probably,” I admit, shaking my head. “I’m so fucking tired. You just … You rubbed me the wrong way barking orders at me like that. It’s too early for this.”
“Get back into bed,” he says. “That was a firm suggestion, not an order.”
He reminded me of my mom because he actually cares.
It’s been so damn long since it felt like anybody cared.