Page 31 of Ruined Beta

It seems she’s not the type.

I risk a glance after a beat, watching her move down the street with a purposeful stride.

Folding up the newspaper, I put it under my arm, ready to use as a prop again if I need to.

I let a few people get between us as I follow her at a close distance.

If she senses anything, she doesn’t show it.

With a cap crushing down my too easily identified blue hair, and in a completely non-descript dark hoody and jeans, I look like a million other guys in the city.

I don’t look like the nerdy Christmas sweater wearing dude with the shock of blue hair and the friendly smile that she met yesterday morning.

I preferred that guy, because basically, I am that guy.

I’m not a stalker, and I really hope she never finds out about this, because I’m pretty sure I’m never going to get this woman off of my mind.

Chapter Eighteen


Lucky for me, there are a few old noir detective movies showing. I pay for a ticket for the one that starts soonest, and then I go buy some snacks. There’s no line for anything, which is great. It makes me take my time with my choices. I don’t feel as rushed as I would if there were other people waiting. Not that the theatre is empty. An older couple filter into the place after me, and a couple of giggling teenagers who look like they might be young enough to be skipping class exit the ladies room as I move toward the section with the corridor that leads to the screens.

The old couple move ahead of me while I perform a balancing act with my soda and popcorn to show the ticket guy my stub.

“Screen six to the right,” he tells me. “Enjoy!”

“Thanks,” I murmur as I move along the corridor.

The old couple disappear into the screen before mine.

I push the door to screen six open with my back, and I manage not to spill any popcorn or soda.

Clothes shopping alone is great. Going to the movies, not so much.

I guess at least I’m learning something from these solo adventures I’ve been having.

It’s easy to find a seat, because most of them are empty.

There’s a couple making out in the middle of the back row, so I head for a row toward the centre.

An older woman is sitting closer to the front, and there’s a guy in a baseball cap sinking into a seat on the edge of the front row. I don’t think he was there when I walked in. I’m sure I would have noticed.

I get comfortable and put my purse and jacket on the empty seat next to me.

My nerves over my next interview disappear as I immerse myself in the previews with my large bucket of popcorn. I have a moment of regret about my snack choice when I drop a piece and it falls down the middle of my top, but I fish it out quickly and decide it doesn’t matter if I end up covered in little pieces of the messy snack. I’ll shake it off before the interview. It’s not like it’s going to stain my clothes.

I let myself get swept up in the movie’s plot, ignoring some of the overdramatic acting.

When it’s finished, I don’t want to move.

I still have time to waste, but not quite enough for another movie.

If I drink anymore coffee, I’ll be rattling off the walls.

I remember what that guy was drinking yesterday, and I nod slowly as I get up.

I can take my time with a large hot chocolate.