“I didn’t think he could …” Toshi shakes his head. “Spencer can knot anytime. Inside or outside. Omega or not. It’s always been like that for him. I had no idea E.A. could knot a Beta.”
“Did you hear the passing out part?” I ask, while I start processing what he’s telling me about Spencer.
“I’ve heard that’s kind of normal,” he says, shrugging when I stare at him.
“You’ve heard it’s normal, and Spencer can knot, anytime?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “Spencer knotted you?”
“Oh, he knotted me a bunch of times,” Toshi says. “It’s been two nights since I saw you, Leanne. A lot has happened since you left the apartment.”
“Almost makes me wish I’d stayed,” I admit.
I would have loved to watch. Seeing those two make out was compelling enough to arouse my own lust. Watching Spencer knot him would have been something else.
“Almost?” he asks.
I smile. “Well, I did have a little fun of my own and that wouldn’t have happened if I’d stayed.”
E.A. and I got to understand each other a little better on that job. I don’t think we would have fallen into bed with thoughts of claiming and marking at the end of it if we hadn’t spent the day together.
“True,” Toshi says, giving me a wistful smile. “And you got E.A. into relaxation mode. He never sleeps this late. He’ll probably wake up wanting more alone time with you.”
“Relaxation mode?” I ask.
“He kind of has three modes. Work mode, which is switched on most of the time. You’ve seen it. He can be kind of an asshole to get the results he’s looking for, and he doesn’t really back down on anything.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen that mode.”
It seems like he cuts off his emotions when he’s in that mode. It’s probably easier to stay in work mode than it is to think about what he’s doing and how it might be affecting anyone else.
“Um, the second one is rage mode, which apparently happens when something gets really fucked up on a case and he loses the chance to catch a criminal. It seems to be pretty rare, but Echo assures me it’s real and that it’s fucking scary. Apparently, he usually leaves the apartment for hours, sometimes days if he gets that mad. He doesn’t come back until he’s back to normal work mode.”
Okay, that’s a little alarming, but knowing he has past traumas, I can understand why he might have what Toshi’s calling a rage mode. My own anger would easily be triggered by the thought of someone like Frank Palmer getting away with hurting people. After what happened to me, if there’s any way I can find to spare others of the same kind of trauma, I’ll do whatever it takes.
“Mode three is his relaxation mode,” I deduce.
Toshi nods. “This one I have seen. It happens regularly, but not as often as we’d all like. If we catch him in relaxation mode, we try to keep him there. He can slip into that mode for days, weeks, even months, and he’s so much more pleasant to be around. Sometimes it’s over the morning after. It usually all depends on the time he wakes up.”
“So going by today’s lie in, you’d guess he’s in relaxation mode.”
“Pretty much.”
I can’t lie, it would be nice to have E.A. in a relaxed mood for an extended period, but I doubt that’s going to happen once I’m basically undercover at the workplace of his longtime nemesis. I don’t want to see his rage mode, and not because I can’t handle the thought of seeing him lose his temper.
If he goes into rage mode, it’ll mean I’ve failed to secure the evidence we need to put his mother’s murderer behind bars.
I don’t want to fail him. I don’t want to fail her, and all the other women that evil prick has hurt.
They’re relying on me for their justice.
I don’t intend to let them down.
It’s time that monster paid for his crimes.
I don’t care what it takes. I’ll get into Harlan West’s office, and I’ll find that evidence.
It’s my destiny as much as these men are, as much as this work is.
“You’ve got this look on your face,” Toshi starts, frowning.