Page 99 of Ruined Beta

“Leanne left. E.A. and I are going out to find her.” I button up my jeans and locate my shirt. “You two need to stay here in case she comes back.”

“Damn. What did he say to her this time?” Echo murmurs, clearly thinking out loud and not really expecting an answer.

I feel a little stab of guilt at leaving her on her own last night.

She’d insisted, but still. It’s on me to protect everyone in this apartment.

I don’t even know if E.A. has that same drive in him.

It felt like he did back when we met Echo, but that was so long ago.

I’m not even sure I can trust my memories of what he was like back then.

Toshi gets up, throwing his clothes on. “How long ago did she leave?”

“It was while E.A. was in the shower, so sometime in the last thirty or forty minutes, I guess.”

I look at Echo and I feel strange about leaving him here.

He won’t be alone, but he’s an Omega and E.A. and I have always prioritized his safety above pretty much everything. We know how many sickos are out there in the city, and the wider world.

“Look after Echo,” I tell Toshi. “Hopefully, we won’t be gone for long.”

He nods. I trust him, and I know Echo can handle himself.

Chances are Leanne just went home for clothes or something.

We’ll be back in no time.

I grab my sneakers and stuff my feet into them, not bothering to untie and tie the laces.

We need to get moving. I’m not going to feel better until I know where she is.

E.A. looks like he’s feeling sick when I meet him at the door.

“It’s okay,” I reassure him. “No one’s taken her. She left on her own.”

He doesn’t look reassured. I don’t blame him.

We don’t know how Harlan grabs his victims.

And I’m willing to bet there are plenty of other creeps in this city who’d love to get their hands on Frank Palmer’s last surviving victim.

I say a silent prayer as we head out into the city to look for our mate.

Chapter Fifty-Four


I feel a little guilty about running out on my future mates without warning and breaking my promise to E.A. about twenty seconds after I made it, but Secret’s sudden phone call has me worried about my daughter’s safety. I can’t stand the thought of waiting around when the call cuts out.

I need to know she’s okay.

So, I grab my purse and leave the room, darting across to Toshi’s bedroom and throwing on my clothes so fast I actually put my sneakers on the wrong feet. I take a breath and change them over before I rush out into the hallway, letting out a sigh of relief when I see the key is in the door.

I unlock it and leave, closing it as quietly as possible.

Once I’m in the alley, I try calling Secret back, only to get a busy signal.