Page 57 of Ruined Beta

I smile back. The connection I felt when I met her in the coffee shop was real. Things got messed up because it was part of E.A.’s plan to rope her into this craziness, but that spark is still there.

I think she feels it, too.

When she yelled and hit me with her purse, I thought I’d blown it.

To be honest, I think I blew it before then.

Maybe it was in the cinema.

Or maybe right after.

Either way, she found out I was stalking her, and she was seriously pissed off.

Didn’t feel like the kind of thing she might get over very easily, but here we are now sitting around next to each other, and it feels like the rough start we got off to is miles back in the rear view.

She looks back at the screen and starts to chew on her lip.

After a second, she looks over at E.A.

“Can you pause it?”

He does what she asks.

“What cameras does he have in there?” she asks.

“There are no active cameras in that building,” E.A. tells her, sounding confident.

“Are you sure about that?” she asks, her gaze staying fixed on his.

She’s definitely not afraid of him. He doesn’t enjoy being questioned, and he doesn’t look entirely pleased that she isn’t taking him at his word.

“I know the company he used to install his ‘system’,” E.A. explains in a clipped tone. “They owed me a favor so I asked them what they installed over there. I was given the spec. The cameras are all dummies, used to deter onsite theft and violence.”

I guess the kind of man who murders women at his place of work wouldn’t want to risk any evidence being recorded that might come back to bite him in the ass later.

“That makes me think he must be doing his business out of that office,” Leanne says.

“It’s highly likely,” E.A. admits.

He’s already considered it.

But I think she’s impressing him already.

“Then why don’t you give me a camera like the one that’s on the cart?” she asks. “I can put it someplace it won’t be noticed, and we can watch what he’s doing when no one’s around.”

“That’s risky,” he says. “If he finds the camera before he reveals the hiding spot, or before we get the chance to get cops over there with a warrant, we’re screwed. He’ll destroy it or hide it somewhere else. He’ll know it was us, and he won’t stand for it.”

“Translation, he’ll have us killed by his heavies,” Spencer adds, in case it wasn’t already obvious.

“We’re no threat to him right now,” E.A. goes on. “But if we pull something like that, he’ll know we know about that jar. That’s the last thing we want.”

“Holy shit,” Leanne says, leaning back in her chair. “One false move and we lose the only evidence we know about.”

“You have one single shot at finding that jar, and you’re going to have to be strategic about when you take that shot,” E.A. tells her. “It doesn’t matter what you do to hide it. He’ll know if you’ve been in there, touching things. He’ll figure it out. If we don’t move quickly once you have it, he’ll bury us before we know what’s happening.”

Every word out of his mouth makes it sound worse and worse.

I can’t believe she’s still sitting here listening to all of it.