“I want to go back a few hours and stop E.A. from doing any of this shit to her,” I admit.
“Well, we don’t exactly have a time machine,” he says.
I let out a sigh. “She’s a living, breathing human being. I can’t believe he did this.”
The real trouble is, I can. It’s not the first time he’s done something questionable.
“I’m worried about the two of you,” Echo murmurs.
“He’s just driving me crazy,” I attempt to reassure him. “Same as always.”
I don’t think he’s buying it. I’m not, either. It’s more this time.
He’s pushing things too far, making me wonder if he even cares about us.
I never used to question that, but he’s been more withdrawn lately without any kind of explanation.
His determination to bring Harlan West down might be admirable in theory, but it’s become an all-consuming obsession that can’t let go of. It’s not healthy, and that’s really starting to show.
“What’s actually inside that envelope?” Echo asks, making me wonder.
It’s sealed, and it would be weird to open it if it contains some kind of personal details about Leanne.
“E.A.’s excuse for dragging her into his obsession.”
Nothing can excuse that, in my mind.
“You’re not curious?” Echo asks, clearly angling at getting me to open it.
I shake my head. “His explanation is for her. He might know something else that we don’t. Something we shouldn’t know about her. It wouldn’t be right to open it.”
“You’re not worried he’s written something that might upset her?”
“If he has, that’s on him.”
I learned a long time ago that I can’t take responsibility for his actions.
He’s going to do what he’s going to do.
I’m only doing this to try and talk Leanne out of working at Anchor West.
She may be a Beta, but she’s exactly the kind of woman Harlan looks for.
“I think I should take that to her door,” Echo tells me, holding his hand out.
I realize we’ve reached the address when he stops walking.
The apartment block looks like a replica of the one he used to live in.
“I need to talk to her,” I tell him, not wanting to leave without warning her.
He nods. “I know, but I have Omega persuasiveness and charm. You just have brash Alpha bossiness. Which do you think she’ll respond to better right at this moment?”
I let out a heavy sigh and pass him the envelope. “No peeking at that before you give her it.”
“How about after?” he asks, grinning when I laugh.
“If she lets you, sure.”