Page 208 of Ruined Beta

Chapter One Hundred Three


Close to an hour later, the ribbons are back in their original jars, and I have a few lists of data in front of me that I need to make sense out of. There were a few of the same colored ribbons between the two jars, and that mixed with the combination of dates and black marks, makes me wonder if the black marks denote deaths.

“No likely hits yet on the missing persons reports?” I ask Echo.

He’s sitting behind the desk now, working on those reports at his PC.

“I’m making a list,” he says, nodding at Leanne who’s actually writing the information down. “But there are no stand outs that match the dates we have exactly yet.”

The dates might not even be dates. They look like dates, but who the fuck knows what that prick asshole was thinking when he wrote out those ribbons?

“Keep trying. I need to check how Toshi’s doing on the camera footage of the parking garage.”

Echo nods. “We’ll keep looking.”

I go into Spencer’s office. “How’s the footage coming?”

“It’s not great,” Toshi admits. “There’s a camera just outside of the Anchor West lot that does capture all the cars that come and go, and there is an amazing archive, but the equipment is so fucking old that it’s hard to get a clear image. I don’t know if we’ll be able to get any plates from the pictures. I think this might be a dead end.”

I think about it before I realize what they need to do.

“Okay. Hack the DMV. Check what cars the guys who were in for meetings on those dates had, and then look for those cars specifically. That should be a little easier. You have rough time frames for the meetings so just check around those times.”

“Won’t everyone who had a meeting be parked there?” Toshi asks, sounding like he’s starting to come back to himself. He was in panic mode this morning and that didn’t change until heard Leanne was out of Anchor West. Now, he’s thinking more clearly, and he’s thinking this job is a waste of time.

It might be. It’s starting to sound like it is.

“New plan,” I tell them. “Check the parking garage for entries and exits after it’s supposed to be closed. Cross check it with the cars the guys who came for meetings have. See if anything matches.”

“Okay,” Toshi says, looking at Spencer. “Do we really think Harlan was bringing Omegas he stole or bought to sell into his office, though? Wouldn’t he make sure all that illegal shit was as far away from anything relating to him as possible?”

“That would make too much sense,” Spencer says. “The guy didn’t think about that when he killed E.A.’s mother. He’s probably arrogant enough to think he can get away with anything.”

“Shit, that’s right,” Toshi mutters. “Okay, we’re on it.”

“Let me know when you find anything.”

“If we find anything,” Spencer adds.

I didn’t think finding that jar would solve everything, but, honestly, if it had been the right jar, it might have. I move back out to where Echo’s searching missing persons reports, and I sit down at the other side of the desk, looking over what we have.

There has to be something we can use here.

The victims from those ribbons are relying on us now.

We have to do what we can to get them the justice they deserve.

Chapter One Hundred Four


When my eyes get a little tired from the constant scrolling, I sit back and look away from the screen.

“I’m starting to think those dates are meaningless,” I admit.

Leanne nods. “Well, they might not be meaningless, exactly, but they might not mean what we think they do.”