Page 128 of Ruined Beta

Even when he pushes his thin lips into a smile, I can tell he’s still affected by whatever he’s been thinking about.

“Sorry,” he starts. “I was just … remembering something.”

“That’s okay,” I tell him. “I wasn’t sure if you were thinking about the case.”

“The police are going to deal with Marcus now,” he starts.

“I meant the big case,” I admit.

“Oh.” He nods slowly. “We can talk about it later.”

“Okay,” I agree.

Chapter Sixty-Six


It’s a long drive back to Cressidan City, and Beth’s constant narration of our journey only makes it feel longer. I’m sure Secret’s best friend is fun in small doses, and she’s been through some serious crap the last couple of days so I’m not without sympathy, but I definitely wouldn’t volunteer to spend a weekend with this girl.

She can talk. And talk.

She doesn’t seem to have an off-switch, and honestly, I don’t think I’ve heard her take in a breath in at least five minutes. I don’t need to glance at E.A. to know he’s exhausted by her constant chatter.

“How about some music?” I ask loudly, cutting Beth off from her rambling commentary about a type of car that passed a few minutes ago.

E.A. shrugs, giving me a wry look.

Clearly, he doesn’t think music will stop Beth’s chatter.

“What music do you have?” Beth asks.

“We have the radio,” I tell her, turning it on.

I’m not the biggest fan of music in general. It’s a background noise that I can live without for the most part. Right now, I’m hopeful that it’ll calm Beth down at least a little.

I flip stations until I find one playing some kind of upbeat pop song.

“Oh, I love Zelena,” she murmurs, sitting back and nodding her head along to the beat.

The background noise of the song is preferable to Beth’s constant chatter.

We make our way through the traffic until the college carpark is within sight.

I can’t help the soft sigh that escapes me when I see us getting so close to our destination.

It’s been a long day, and I’m ready to pass the hell out until morning.

Just as soon as I’ve got my beaten-up car stashed back in the carpark, and we’ve dropped Beth off at Secret’s apartment where she’ll be safe if that idiot Marcus hasn’t been picked up by the cops yet.

When I’m finally sliding into a parking space at the college, Beth makes a request.

“Would you guys mind if I grab some stuff from my dorm before we go to Secret’s place? I’m getting the meat-sweats and I’ve already been wearing this stuff for a couple days so I’ll feel kind of gross if I can’t change my clothes soon.”

“Sure,” I say, looking to E.A. for confirmation.

He nods. “We’ll have to come into the building with you.”

“Well, duh,” she mutters. “I’m going nowhere alone until I know that freak is in prison.”