Page 64 of Cooper

“I havesomething to tell you.”

“I see. What isit?”

Brooke had beenrehearsing this since this afternoon and had left the clinic a littleearlier than usual to get it over and done with. She had told Cooperthat she was stopping by her place to pick up some clothes and ordertakeout.

“I am seeingsomeone.”


Elaine came in with atray and wheeled it in front of them. “We will help ourselves.”

“Who is thisperson?” Marjorie asked, determined to keep a clear and openmind.

“I don’twant you to make a big deal out of it.”

“Why wouldI do that?”

“Because I knowyou, Mother.” Puffing out a breath, she continued. “It’sCooper Rochester.”

Marjorie paused whilepouring the tea and stared at her daughter in shock. “TheCooper Rochester?”

“He is not‘the’ anything. He is a man like the rest of them. Havingloads of money does not make him. And if you will make a big deal outof it, I am leaving.”

Marjorie had to tampdown the sudden urge to get up and dance around the room in delight.“Is it serious?”

“He wantsmarriage.” Brooke accepted the tea and picked up a flakypastry. She was indeed hungry. “And he is in love with me. Atleast, that’s what he said.”

Marjorie had to biteback the impatience. Brooke might be her daughter, but she was alsotough and contrary.

“And you?”

Brooke shrugged. “Imight have feelings for him.”

“Are you inlove with him?”

“You are makinga big deal out of the entire thing.”

“I am simplyinterested in what my daughter is feeling.” Marjorie pointedout patiently.

“I guess I am,and I feel stupid. He is a pain in the ass and does not take no foran answer. I am going by his place now after I leave here.”

“Am I allowedto say how happy I am for you?”

Brooke took upanother pastry and examined it before popping it into her mouth.“Yes, you are allowed. Let’s clarify: I will not be partof a three-ring circus. When we decide to get married, it will besmall and intimate, with just family and a few friends. I am notwearing white because it is not my color, and I am not a virgin.

I know he is aRochester, and that means I am going to have the press dipping intomy personal life and showing an interest in the clinic. It cannot beavoided, but what I can and will control is what my wedding will belike. Is that clear?”

Marjorie stared ather as she sipped her tea. “Are you annoyed at me oryourself?”

“I am annoyedat him.” She huffed out a breath. “He is -” Sheclosed her eyes briefly.

“He made mefall in love with him, and he is not even my type. If he cheats onme, I am going to cut his precious appendage off. I already told himthat.”

Marjorie burst outlaughing. “Does he know what he is signing up for?”

Brooke grinned, thetension leaving her body. “He does, and he seems to be stickingfor some reason. Damn if I don’t love him to pieces.”

Marjorie’s eyesglowed with pleasure. “Then you are going to make it work.”Her expression sobered. “Just don’t make the samemistakes I did. Find time for him, and go on dates. Travel to farawayplaces and enjoy each other. Now, when can I meet this gorgeousman?”