Page 60 of Cooper

“Ex.” Hesaid tightly. “You can always tell her you do not need herservice.”

“Are youkidding? The more doctors sign up, the more people are seen. She iswelcome.”

She eyed him for afew seconds. “Unless you are still screwing her, then we do nothave a problem.”

“How the hellcan you be so cavalier about it?” He exploded, his complacencydisappearing.

“Is that what Iam?” She mused, eyes glittering. “I am trying to berational about the situation. Here I am, involved with a notoriousplayboy-”

“Hell, I am!”

“You are, too.”She contradicted. “I have a computer, and even though I don’tread society rags, some lie around the clinic. ‘Gorgeous Dr.Cooper Rochester, out on the town with this model, or this actress orthis doctor, this judge, this state senator, and so on. I am low-key;before now, I only wanted to highlight the clinic.”

She was glaring athim. “And then you had to volunteer to fill in for Dr. Grahamand would not leave me alone until-” Blowing out, she speared afat shrimp and popped it into her mouth.

“Go on,”he said softly, watching her. “Finish it.”

“Until we arenow involved.”

“I am notholding a gun to your head.” He was stung at her obviousdistaste. “You are free to leave whenever you want to.”

“Am I?”She fired at him. “I told you I did not want a relationship,and what did you do? You pushed and pushed until you are now in mylife. I am going to have to deal with your exes, and that pisses meoff.”

“You don’thave to deal with her. Simply tell her you are overrun with doctorsand don’t need anymore.” His ire was rising, and the joyof being with her was eroding. He damn well did not need this.

He had decided tohave full disclosure because he wanted transparency between them, andthis was the thanks he was getting. Well, to hell with her!

“I am not goingto do that.”

“Suityourself.” Pushing away from the counter, he started to walkout of the kitchen.

“Where are yougoing?”

“Home. Is thatall right with you?” He asked sarcastically, turning to look ather.

“Is that theway you deal with arguments? Just turn tail and run?”

His amber eyesdarkened, and she watched the dull flush staining his skin. “Areyou calling me a coward?”

“I don’tknow, Cooper. You came in here and dropped the news about your ex onme - told me about her signing up for my clinic, not to take care ofpeople who need help, but to check out the competition.”

She pointed toherself. “Which would be me. What the hell do you expect me tofeel? You were involved with this woman, and she has not moved on.And you are the angry one. Well, you can just go to hell.”

Shoving his hands inhis pockets, he rocked back on his heels and stared frustratedly atthe woman who could twist him up like a pretzel. “You make itseem like being involved with me is a curse.”

“It feels likeit.”

Biting off a sigh, hestrode over to take the chopsticks from her.

“What are youdoing?”

“This.”Plucking her off the stool, he crushed his lips to hers. With a sighof complete surrender, she melted against him and gave into theintense passion that had sprung up immediately.


He pulled her againsthis chest as he fought to get his breath back. His heart washammering like a jackhammer, and his skin was still sweaty. They hadbarely made it to the bedroom before they were tearing off theirclothing. The lovemaking had been hot and intense, and Cooper hadwondered if he was going to end up having a heart attack.

“We shouldfight more often.” The incorrigible woman pressed against himwhispered.