Page 58 of Cooper

“Anyone Iknow?”

“You might knowof her. She is also a doctor.”

“From yourhospital?”

“No. Her nameis Brooke Campbell.”

“I don’t-Oh.” Her brow cleared. “I know her mother, of course, aswe serve on some of the same charities. Isn’t she the doctorwho runs that free clinic in that depressed downtown area?”

“She is, and ifyou are going to be biased-”

“On thecontrary, I have heard wonderful things about her.”

“Pardon?”Cooper blinked at her in shock.

Sela smiledcomplacently. “You came here thinking I would disapprove. I wasat a luncheon with several friends, and we were discussing thatplace. For a young woman of her standing to take on an enormous tasklike that proves she is very selfless.

We are planning onadopting the clinic. You told your sister that you would like thecompany to provide much-needed drugs and equipment to the clinic, andI completely agree.”

Cooper stared at herin shock. He had considered putting off coming here for a few daysand had decided that he needed to get ahead of telling her what waswhat.

“I don’tknow what to say.”

“Isn’tthat a first?”

“I am in lovewith her, completely and irrevocably in love with her. She isfiercely independent and says whatever comes to mind, but she has aheart as big as the moon.” The smile on his face had his motherstaring in shock. “I am going to marry her, but she is beingcontrary.”

“She does notwant to get married?”

“She has issuesthat she is trying to get through. I gave her a week, and then wewill start dating.”

“Darling, I amso happy for you. And I hope you will bring her to dinner soon.”

“I am planningon it.” He rose and came toward the desk. Taking her hand, hepulled her up. “Thank you.”

“You can showyour gratitude by giving me grandbabies.” Her hand lifted tocup his cheek. “You deserve to be happy, darling; if I have notsaid it enough, I am very proud of you.”


“I was not surewhat your favorite flower was -”

“So you broughtthe entire flower shop.” She concluded, staring at the largebouquet in his arms and the variety there, some of which she couldnot name. “If you had contacted me, you could have saved somemoney. I am not a flower type of gal.”

Stepping aside, sheallowed him to move past her. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the boxof chocolate that the bouquet had hidden.

“What have youdone?”

“We aredating.” Moving past her, he entered the kitchen to put theflowers in the sink.

“We are?”

“Yes. And theseare Dick Taylor, Bourbon whiskey. Very expensive.”

“Okay, I amsufficiently impressed.” Planting her hands on her hips, shestared at him.


“Don’t Iget a kiss, hello?” He hauled her into his arms and kissed heruntil she felt her head swimming. “Hello,” he whisperedhoarsely.