Page 55 of Cooper

“You are apiece of work,” he responded with a grin. “And might Isay, how the mighty have fallen, literally. Does he know that you aregone over him?”

“No, and I amnot going to tell him.”

“Mother isgoing to be beside herself with elation.”

The quick dart ofpanic set in suddenly. “You cannot tell her.”

“She is goingto find out sooner or later. I recommend sooner.”

“I still have aweek,” She muttered.

Dwayne eyed hermildly as he sipped his water.


“You alreadyknow that your feelings will not change and are delaying theinevitable. Where will you be sleeping tonight?”

“My place, ofcourse.”

“And willRochester be there?”

She shrugged. “Idon’t keep tabs on him, but he might barge his way overthere.”

“Of course.”Dwayne’s grin widened.

“You areenjoying yourself a little too much.”

“Oh, it’smuch more than a little. You are going to be fine, honey. So, when isthe wedding? I need to get my suit cleaned. I assume it will be oneof those big society-type ceremonies?”

She sent him akilling look and could already feel the panic setting in. “I amnot the big society type, and I would rather poke my eyes out than bepart of that. I am stressing that if I decide to give into thisinsanity, it will be a small, intimate ceremony with just familymembers and perhaps a few friends. Like I said, we are not thereyet.”

“June is lovelyfor a wedding.”

The panic increased.Interpreting the look on her face, Dwayne burst out laughing.“Darling, you look like you are going to the electric chair.”

“It feels thatway. Now shut up and let me finish my meal.”


“Don’tyou have patients needing your attention?”

Cooper chuckled ather exasperated tone of voice. “I am on a break after surgeryfor the past three hours. I am exhausted since someone who willremain nameless sapped my energy by keeping me up last night and thismorning.”

Stretching his legs,he put one hand behind his head for support, prepared to enjoy theconversation.

“It’s theother way around, and I don’t have time for this.”

“I miss you,”he told her softly. “You are playing havoc on my senses,darling. I cannot concentrate on anything. I would be in the middleof asking for clamps when I need retractors.”

“Then youshould try and focus. A surgeon cannot afford to make mistakes.”

He chuckled at herlofty tone. “You are telling me I have not been on yourmind?”

“Nope. Notsince you left this morning.”

“Liar,”he said softly. “I think I will be off a little early today.What can we do?”

“We can each goto our place and get some sleep.”