Page 53 of Cooper

“One week,darling. If you try to ignore me and ban me from the clinic, therewill be consequences. I am not going away.” He had to bite backa smile at the anger darkening her eyes, turning them into moltengold. She was the most fascinating woman he had ever met and thesexiest.

“Are youthreatening me?”

“More liketelling you how this is going to go.”

“I want you tolisten to me very carefully.”

“I am allears.”

She sent him a lookthat could pulverize rocks. “I don’t allow any man todictate to me; is that clear? I do what I want and go where I want.You will not think you can just come in and start taking charge. I-”She broke off with a gasp when he seized her lips in a hungry kiss.

Slapping her handsagainst his chest, she started to push him away at first, but hechose that moment to soften the kiss. Brooke simply melted, her bodysagging against his, her arms wrapping around his neck as shesurrendered.

By the time he liftedhis mouth from hers, she was a puddle of melted wax in his arms, herbreathing raspy and uneven.

“I hate you.”She whispered into the warmth of his muscular throat.

“I am sure youdo.” He rotated his hips so that she could feel how much hehated her, too.

“I cannot makeit into the bedroom,” he told her thickly. Lifting her arms, hetugged the shirt off so that he could explore her naked body.

“We are notthrough talking about-”

“You talk toomuch,” he told her as he cupped her breasts and rubbed histhumbs over the already rigid nipples. “And the time forconversation is over.”

“For now.”She arched her back and welcomed his mouth on her nipples.

Chapter 12

“You are noteating.” Dwayne pointed out. “I had originally thoughtabout springing for the bill, considering that you earn next tonothing at your clinic, but I think I am about to change my mind.”

“What?”Brooke looked up from her salad in confusion.

“This must bevery bad. Is it something legal? Are you in trouble?” A look ofconcern had replaced his teasing expression. “Honey, what isit?”

“I think Iam in trouble.”

“Tell me,”he demanded.

“No,’Shaking her head, she reached for her glass of fruit juice. “It’snot like that. I was ill the other day, and some virus was goingaround. At first, I thought it was the coronavirus, but I did nothave all the symptoms.

It was just the flumixed in with bronchitis or strep throat.” She waved a hand.“That’s beside the point. Cooper took me to his place andtook care of me. I was there for the entire day and night.”

“I see.”

“Do you?”She hissed out a breath. “We are a thing.”

“You are in arelationship. Since when?”

“Since hestarted at the clinic a little over a month ago. When the incidenthappened, the one where Lisa died, I was so shaken up that hefollowed me home to make certain that I was okay, and he came inside.We - um- we hooked up, and he spent the night.”

“I see.”

“Will you stopsaying that in that tone of voice?” She hissed, eyes flashing.“I can hear the wheels spinning inside your brain.”

“What do youthink it’s saying?” He asked her mildly, amazed that hisusually composed sister seemed to be falling to pieces. She looked asif she was trapped and had no idea how to escape.

“I don’tknow, and I am not playing that game with you.” She dug intoher salad with little interest. “He wants us to go out ondates.”