Page 51 of Cooper

“Something Ihave gotten used to.”

Taking a deep breath,she started. “He was very attentive as a dad, and I adored himever since I could remember.” Her hands touched the hairs onhis chest absently as if she needed the contact.

“To me, hecould do no wrong. He was perfect, the best father a girl could everwant. He would read to me at bedtime, always bringing me gifts andcalling me his princess. He was fun and had this ability to make melaugh.”

She took a shakybreath and lowered her lashes to hide the tears. “I was sevenbefore I discovered he was not the man I thought he was.”

Cooper stroked herface gently as if trying to ease the pain.

“Mom and Dwaynewere not at home. I was feeling hot and decided to swim in the pool.I was not allowed to do that alone but sneaked out the same. The doorwas not locked; I remembered thinking it was midnight and they hadforgotten to turn the alarm on.” Her fingers tightened on hischest.

“I heard thesounds before I got to the pool and thought it was one of the maids-”She drew a shaky breath. “I almost turned back, but thensomething made me go ahead, and I saw him. It was a moonlit night,and the lights were on around the yard.

I could see enough torealize that it was Dad and the woman was one of my mother’sbest friends.”

Cooper swore underhis breath. “Darling-”

“No.” Sheshook her head. “I am - just let me get it out.”

“Baby, look atme.” His deep voice was so gentle that she could feel the tearsspringing to the back of her eyes. “You are hurting, and I didnot bring this up so that you could relive the nightmare. I got thegist of it, and I realize that you have heavy trust issues because ofwhat happened back then.”

“You think?”

His lips tiltedinto a smile. “I am here to tell you that I am not him. I am inlove with you.”

“Mother saidthey were in love, at least from the initial start of therelationship.” Bowing her head, she burrowed into his chest,inhaling his scent. “She told me what happened.” Shelifted her head to look at him.

“She drove himaway after the miscarriage, and things were never really the sameagain. What if I-” She shook her head. “I am focused onwork. My patients might not mean anything to most people, but I mustbe there for them.”

“What are yougetting at Brooke?”

“I might gettoo busy to be with you.”

He chuckled at that,causing her to stare at him in surprise. “What’s sofunny?”

“You areforgetting that I am a doctor as well.” He kissed her lightlyon the lips. “We will find time to be with each other, and Iunderstand your commitment.”

“But that’sjust it. I am not certain I can give you one.”

“Is that so?”He asked her mildly, thumb rubbing her bottom lip lightly.

“What are youdoing?”

“What does itlook like?”

“We aresupposed to be talking.”

“And that canwait.” Hauling her on top of him, he entered her swiftly, eyesdarkened with passion. “There are more important things thanhaving a conversation.”


“Stay thenight.” He murmured much later in the day. He had kept her inbed for most of the day. He had also sent for takeout - breakfast anddinner, which they had eaten on the balcony with the fantastic view.

“It’slovely and peaceful here.”

“Whenever Iwant to destress, this is where I come. Just kick back with a bottleof cognac and turn everything off.” Pulling her on his lap, hekept a tight hold around her waist. “You have not answered.”

“Was that aquestion?” She asked mildly. She was in no great hurry toleave, and that surprised her.