Page 41 of Cooper

He laughed at that.“None that are working.”

“Then I guessthat is something I must take in hand,” she told him firmly.


“You don’thave to wait until the place is locked up.”

“I know Idon’t. I choose to.”

“Suityourself.” She said with a shrug.

“Always.”His eyes met hers briefly before she turned to pick up her files. Hefollowed her back to the office, where she collected her things toleave.

“You offeredMs. James a job.”

“She starts onMonday, and I told her the starting salary.”

“Which I willbe responsible for, all of it.” He stood inside the doorway,watching her pack up her desk.

“Of course.”

“I was thinkingthat we could let her crash here. Get her out of the shelter. Inoticed an empty room that only needs to be cleaned and repainted.”

Her eyes flashed asshe looked up at him. She had been thinking about that herself butdid not like that he seemed to be taking over.

“Oh, is thatwhat you think?”

“Am I offendingyou with my thoughts?” He asked her softly. “I don’twant it to look like I am taking over.”

“Oh, I neverwould have considered that in a million years. The fact that you arerich and accustomed to calling the shots does not come into the mixat all.” Slinging the strap of her backpack over one shoulder,she treated him to a look that could have pulverized rocks. “Getout of my way.”

“I also lovethe fact that you have such a sweet disposition. No wonder yourpatients adore you.”

Brooke had tobite back a smile at the droll look on his handsome face.

“Bite me.”

“Was that aninvitation?” His deep voice had softened, and she realized theatmosphere in her tiny office had changed too late.

“Now look-”She went rigid when he tilted her chin up, amber eyes dull into hers.

“Let me go.”

“We need totalk.”

“Wasn’tthat what we were doing all along?”

“About us,”he insisted.

“There is nous.” She insisted right back, the familiar heat of his nearnessinvading her body.

“I disagree.”His thumb caressed the lush fullness of her bottom lip, sendingshards of desire flowing through her body. “This cannotcontinue, darling,” he whispered. “I cannot sleep- cannotfunction because I cannot stop thinking about you, wanting to feelyour body against mine.” He bent to brush his lips againsthers.

Her lips partedinstantly, and his tongue darted into her mouth, his breathstrangling in his chest as he sensed her surrender. Her bag slid fromher shoulders as she leaned into him, fingers clutching at the frontof his shirt.

She met his forayinto her mouth hungrily, her body melting into his. She had beentelling herself for days that she did not need this, did not needhim, was not longing for his touch, and could do without it.

But feeling himagainst her, his hard body pressed against hers, was making her tautwith a need that she was trying to process. She wanted to feel himinside her again and did not much care if it was right here in herdingy little office.