Page 3 of Cooper

“I am not achild.”

“Then startacting like a damn adult!” He snapped. Letting go of her arm,he marched past her. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, shefollowed him into the formal dining room, where her mother wasalready sat at the head of the table.

She should have beenaccustomed to the formality but was not. She much preferred her tinyapartment, where she would get home from the clinic and have no timeto do anything other than make a sandwich or some noodles.

Pulling out of herchair, she picked up the snowy white napkin and placed it on her lap.

“I am not goingto apologize.” She remarked stonily.

“I neverexpected such politeness from you. The fact that your little clinichas been the source of discussion in the local newspaper again is nosurprise to me.” Marjorie nodded at the housekeeper, whohurried out of the room to bring in the appetizer.

“A drug raid?How much did the officers recover? And right there in that clinic ofyours. What will it take to make you realize that where you are is adangerous place?”

“There is danger everywhere,”Brooke muttered, smiling her thanks as the soup was placed beforeher.

“Is that yourresponse? There is danger everywhere? You are a brilliant surgeonwhose talent is wasted at that dreadful place. I have been speakingto the head of the surgical wing at Hope General-”

“And let meguess? There is a shortage of GP’s, and he has a place forme.”

“As a matter offact-”

“The answer tothat would be a resounding no. Hope General is an institution gearedtoward the rich and famous. People with insurance and can afford tospend a week or more in its five-star opulence. I prefer to give myservices to those who need it.”

“Are you doingit to upset me? Is that it?”

“Yes, Mother, Ibust my ass eighteen hours a day trying to make a difference topeople who have nowhere else to turn to, and all I think about is ifthis is upsetting enough to you. Really?”

“This soup isdelicious.” Dwayne ventured, turning their attention to him. “Imust remember to compliment Ian on how wonderful it is.”

Brooke heaved a sighand flashed her brother a smile. “You are not very subtle, areyou?”

“I have noidea what you mean.” He told her obliquely, dark brown eyestwinkling. “We only meet each other once a week, and I preferit to be a harmonious getting together. There is enough drama in myline of work to last me a lifetime.

When I sit down todinner with the two most beautiful women in the world, I would liketo think I can find some peace.”

“You are right,darling.” Sending him a gentle smile, Marjorie turned to giveher daughter a conciliatory look. “We should enjoy the meal.”

“I could notagree more.”


“I have toleave.”

“You are offtoday, and there is no harm in you walking with your brother andenjoying the ambiance. It’s spring, the flowers bloom, the sunshines, and look! Birds are flying around the grand oak. Remember howyou used to let me chase up the branches?”

“I almostalways get a lecture from Mother on how unladylike I was.”

“You stillare.” Taking her hand in his, he led the way to the hammockstretched from one sturdy branch to another. Sitting down, he pulledher next to him.

“I am who Iam.”

“I would nothave it any other way.” He reminded her gently. Using his toes,he pushed so the hammock swung gently back and forth.

“You are theonly one in this family who has not tried to change me.”

“Dad loved youthe way you are.”

Her eyes flashed.“Please do not spoil the afternoon by bringing him up.”