Page 29 of Cooper

Brooke reared up inshock, hands reaching to push him away automatically.

“Damnyou! No.” Her fingers clutched at his shoulders, her upper bodylifting off the pillows. Ignoring her, his tongue touching theswollen flesh.

Brooke was undone;her body was melting like wax beneath a flame. She had never donethis before, never had it done to her.

In her way ofthinking, it was the most intimate form of lovemaking, and she hadnever been interested enough to perform the act. But oh God! Shethought, her mind in a whirl; it was the most exquisite feeling shehad ever experienced.

When his tonguedipped into her, she went wild! Lifting her hips frantically towardhis mouth, she grabbed at the sheets, twisting them beneath herfingers as the climax erupted.

Cooper had followedhis instinct. He was not one to indulge in oral sex himself,preferring to have it done to him. But the touch and feel of herbody, the passion that had erupted between them, made it impossiblefor him not to want to take it further. His large body shuddered ashe felt her reactions to his loving her.

Moving over her, hiseyes held the golden-brown washed and glazed in passion. The partedlips were wet and trembling. When he slid into her tightness, hisbody went rigid savoring the moistness, the glove-like feeling of herwrapped around him as he filled her to overflowing.

This stunningcreature who had impressed him with her bravery and fiery nature hadsurprised him again with her passion and fire. There was simply nogoing back for him.

He was hooked! Neverhad he felt like this, and it bowled him over. Bending his head, hegently brushed his lips against her mouth, breathing in her scent,her muskiness still clinging to him.

He moved then,slowly, driving into her, the breath strangled inside his throat asshe wrapped her legs around his waist and moved with him. Words werenot spoken; the kiss was light, just lips brushing against eachother.

Her hands were aroundhis neck, fingers clutching at the hairs at the nape of his neck. Hewas fighting to keep from moving faster, from simply devouring her,but the control was slowly slipping away from him.

Deepening the kiss,he plunged his tongue inside her mouth. The control broke, sendinghis body driving into hers forcefully.

Swallowing her moansas she erupted again, he felt his climax starting, first as a gentlewave and then building up into a massive tsunami that took him overcompletely. The groan was torn from him, his body shuddering from theforce of the climax, and before he realized it, he shot his load intoher.

He continued to kissher, lips sliding from her mouth to her cheek and then her neck,moving to her throat as he waited for his heart to stop pounding.Resisting her effort to push him away, he moved his hips and heardher gasp as he pierced her with an erection that had not quitedeflated.

“You are makingit worse.” He whispered in her ear as she renewed her effortsto shove at him.

“Stay still.”Her breasts were rubbing against his chest and creating sweetfriction.

“Get off me.”Brooke did not recognize the voice as hers. Her body was weak, andthe tremors were still racking her. A delicious feeling of euphoriawas stealing over her. He was still deep inside her, and she did notwant him to leave. But commonsense was kicking in.

“Not yet.”

“Listen-”She broke off with a gasp when he seized her mouth in a hungry kiss.Her fingers clutched at his broad shoulders as she opened her mouthand participated.

Cooper was notsurprised to feel himself hardening inside her. He knew he was goingto have her again and again.


Brooke’s eyesflickered open, and for a minute, she had no idea why her body feltso bruised and her nipples sore.

“I was hopingyou would be awake before I left.”

The deep baritonevoice had her jerking up in shock, and then the memories cameflooding back, and the realization that she was completely naked.

“What are youdoing here?”

“Should I beoffended that you do not remember what we did all night?” Therewas an amused tone to his voice that had her bristling. Shiftingaside, she glared at him when he came to sit on the edge of the bed.“You were not supposed to spend the night. What time is it?”

“A little afterseven. I have an early morning shift and am running late.” Hestarted to reach for her, stopping when she reared back against theheadboard. “I see we are back to normal.” His smile waswry, amber eyes wandering over her face and settling on her lips.

“I need to getin the shower and get out of here. Just go.”

“No goodbyekiss or plans to hook up later?” He asked her lightly.

“Last night wassomething that I needed. I was in a terrible way and suffering fromshock, and I needed company.“ She took a deep breath. “Wedid something foolish and impulsive as well as irresponsible. Iappreciate you being there for me, but this will never happenagain-”