She stirred sometimein the morning to find herself in a strange bedroom and a male armimprisoning her body. The events of last night came tumbling backwith all its vivid clarity. Cooper Rochester had shown up at theright time and had taken her to his place, where he had cared forher.
Turning her headslightly, she looked at him in repose. His face was softened bysleep, his lashes long and making shadows on his rugged cheeks. Hisdark hair was tousled, and a look at his sensuous lips had her hearthammering.
An overnight shadowadded to the allure. Her limbs were still weak, but it did not stopher from feeling the incredible rush of desire that came whenever shewas near him.
“Are youfinished?” The amused drawl had her jolting in embarrassedsurprise. His eyes flickered open, their amber color warm withlaughter.
“I was just-”
“Checking meout?”
“I thought youwere asleep.” He laughed at the accusatory tone in her voice.
“I felt youstaring at me. You are feeling better.”
“Enough to goto the clinic.” A glance at the clock showed that it was aquarter of nine. “And I am late.”
“I alreadycalled to let Miranda know you are out sick. I also called in a favorto have another doctor cover for you.”
She bristled, hereyes flashing. “You had no right-”
“I have everyright since you seem incapable of taking a bloody day off. You arestill weak from the fever, and if I have to tie you down, you arestaying put today. Who knows? With his fifteen years of experience asa surgeon, Dr. Carnegie might just be able to do a good job.”
She glared at him andtried to push him out of his arms.
“Relax. You arestill weak, and I am sure you want to improve. What are you in themood for?”
“I am notstaying here.”
“We could havebreakfast delivered. It’s my housekeeper’s day off today,and I am not ready to rustle up a meal.”
“Are youlistening to me?”
His arms tightenedaround her as he brought her flushed against him. “I heard youthe first time, but I have to tell you that you are wasting yourbreath. You are staying put.” He kissed her on the foreheadlike a angry child who needed soothing.
“You are not myboss.”
“Right now, Iam. We could forget breakfast unless you are on the point of starvingto death and go right to making love.”
“I thought youwere not doing that until I accepted your crazy request?”
“Ah,” hiseyes twinkled. “The one where you realize that we belongtogether, and we start going out on dates? That one?”
“Which isridiculous. I am sure you had the time to come to your senses.”
“The time awaycould not be avoided, and it only made me love you more.”
“You arecrazy.” She whispered shakily.
“I do believe Iam. What do you say? Shall we order a meal or wait until we havesatisfied our vital needs here and now.”
“I am still notwell.” She hedged.
He chuckled, knowinginstinctively that she was prevaricating.
“Never thoughtyou were a coward.”
“You are goingto watch your words.”