Page 30 of Cooper

“The hell itwill not!” She blinked at his fierce expression. “We havea connection-”

“Let me stopyou right there.” She held up a hand, the other gripping thesheets over her breast in a strangling grip.

“You are thelast person I would ever want to be involved with, so get that stupididea out of your head, and we will simply chalk this down to aspur-of-the-moment deal. A man and a woman act in the moment of shockand grief and find comfort in each other.

Nothing more. Youhave your life and your relationship-” She glowered at him.“Which makes my point exactly. You were with another woman, andit took nothing for you to be with someone else. Men like you are notto be trusted an inch. What are you going to tell her?”

His eyes burned hot.He had sat there listening to her and felt the irrational anger athow carelessly and thoughtlessly she had decimated what hadtranspired between them last night and this morning.

“I am no longerwith her,” he told her tightly.

Her tapered eyebrowslifted. “That was fast. Does she know that?”

“Yes.” Hebit out.

“What did shedo?” She shook her head. “You know what? Never mind. LikeI said, this will not be happening again.”

Before she could stophim, he was hauling her into his arms. The sheets fell away as shelanded on his lap.

Bending his head, hekissed her brutally as if punishing her for what she had just said.Planting her hands against his chest, she tried to push him away butfound herself wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed himback, body already weakening.

She could not believethe feeling of bereftness when he lifted his head, amber eyessmoldering. “Tell yourself all you want that this was nothing,but we both know you would be lying,” he whispered harshly. “Iam not going away.” Plucking her off his lap, he sat her on theside of the bed and strode out of the room.

Even when he had goneand closed the door behind him, she sat there staring at the doorwith a frown. His cologne, obviously expensive, was still lingeringin the air, and the soreness of her nipples, as well as thetenderness in the center of her, was still evident enough for her notto ignore it or him.

It did not matter onebit, she told herself firmly. He was like her dad and could not staywith one woman. It would not matter if he could. He was not her type.Too damned rich and handsome and entitled.

Last night, hesurprised her by standing with her and ensuring she got home in onepiece. Not that she had needed his assistance, but she had welcomedit. She had been in shock, which was not surprising. A girl had diedin front of her, and it was one she had known. She had been grieving,and his arms had been solid.

She had loved thefeel of them around her, the solid length of his body. Closing hereyes, she allowed her mind to drift to the hours, which had beenhours! Leaning her head back against the padded headboard, she lether mind drift to the stunning sensation of his mouth on her body,the feel of him against her.

It was sensational,heady, and wonderful. Her eyes popped open as she told herself heknew what he was doing. He was experienced and had set out to seduceher.

That was it. Bitingdown on her lip, she swept the sheets from her naked body, jolting asshe stared down at the bite mark on her left thigh. She had left hermark on him as well, she recalled. With a heartfelt sigh, she headedto the bathroom.


Cooper was having adifficult time getting his head straight. He had rushed to his placeto take a quick shower and a shave. It was while he was standing infront of the oval mirror that he noticed the redness on his neck andchest where she had dug into him in the throes of her climaxes.

He had lost count ofthe number. He could still feel her tightness wrapped around him andcountering that was the stinging diatribe she had delivered thismorning before he left.

She was giving himthe cold shoulder, letting him know that she did not want to haveanything to do with him again. He should accept it and say to hellwith her. He did not need the aggravation, and the woman was asprickly as a porcupine.

In bed, she was awildfire that had given him so much pleasure that he could notcomprehend it. But out of it, she had reverted to her usual self.

And he had made itplain that it would be a one-time thing. He was sure not to acceptthat, not after what they had shared. She had told him in nouncertain terms that she wanted nothing to do with him after this,but he was not willing to accept that. And it was not his damn ego.He was falling in love with her.

The knowledge of thathad him stumbling back and staring at himself. He had felt thedistinct pull since he laid eyes on her, despite the untidy braidsand the incredible rudeness he had thought it.

And then, when he sawhow she operated around the people she cared for, the admiration hadturned into desire, and last night, it had cemented it. The pricklyDr. Brooke Campbell had woven her way into his heart and every damnpore of his body.

Grabbing a towel, hewhisked away the shaving cream and dumped it into the hamper. Hewould be late for his shift, but he had called and let them know.


She was punchy fromlack of sleep, and returning to the scene of last night’shorror was making it worse. Miranda’s avid curiosity about theincident was grating on her nerves, and she had to reign in herimpatience.

The detectives whohad been sent back to question her included Dan. Even though sheappreciated his trying to ease things for her, she did not like thathe was making it seem that they were a ‘thing.’