It was not a babyyet, and he could not think about that aspect right now. Thingsbetween them were happening so rapidly that his head was spinning.
With that in mind, helet go of her and went to sit on the sofa against the wall. He shouldhave taken this conversation outside but did not want to leave heralone.
He took out his phoneand stared at it for a minute before going to his mother’snumber. A glance at his watch showed that it was almost six, whichmeant she was already up. Taking a deep breath, he dialed the number.
“Darling, areyou back?”
“I am.”
“I thought youwould have returned later today. But no matter, I am happy you arehere. On your way home?”
“I am at thehospital. St. Luke’s.”
“Are you allright?”
“I am, but mywife was attacked while on her way home last night.”
The silence thatfollowed that sentence was fraught with tension.
“I don’tbelieve I heard you just now. I could have sworn you said ‘wife.’”
“I did. Fulldisclosure, mother, almost two months ago, I married Madison Hunt.”
“Madison Hunt,my assistant.”
“You would dothis to me?”
“Now is notthe time. She was assaulted and subsequently shot while on her wayhome from the manor.”
“How is she?”
“She lost a lotof blood, and mother, she is pregnant.” He shuddered out abreath when he heard the dial tone. Okay, she was pissed, and hedeserved it.
“Brennan?”Her voice had him lurching from the sofa and running towards her.
“Darling.”Taking her hand in his, he pressed it against his cheek. “Oh,my sweet love.”
“I am sosorry.”
“You are here,so I will be magnanimous and offer my forgiveness. But if you ever doanything like that-”
“Never. Am Igoing to be okay?”
“Yes, both youand our baby.”
“Baby?” Afrown knitted her brow.
“You are fourweeks pregnant.”
“You are nothappy.”
“No, it’s- your mother-”
“I just toldher.”