Page 54 of Brennan

“Call meJeremy.”

“Mr. Maitland,what can I do for you?”

He grinned at her,eyes roving over her face intimately. “Mother is on a crusade,and when she is, she gets fired up and takes the family in the wakeof the storm. She has tasked me to take over a check - a firstinstallment to start the ball rolling.” Reaching into hisjacket pocket, he pulled out an envelope and handed it to her.


“You are muchprettier than the others.”

“Pardon?”She paused in the middle of documenting the check.

“The otherassistants. You are much prettier.”

“Why, thankyou.”

He grinned at hersarcastic tone. “You are-”

“Jeremy, what asurprise. I see you are keeping my assistant from doing her work. Hasthe law taken a holiday?”

They both turned tolook at the woman walking into the room.

“Mr. Maitlandwas just dropping off-”

“I brought goodnews, and I had the chance to see your beautiful assistant.”His grin was unrepentant. “Seeing her and coming here, I am onboard. I was not interested until now. But I am all in.”

“I would preferif your eagerness to be on board resulted from your compassion forthe children suffering through this horror,” Madison told him,completely forgetting that her boss was there.

“That too.”His smile did not dim. “I have to run duty calls. It was niceto meet you, Madison. Hoping to see you at the party on Saturday.”

“I am sorryabout that.”

“No, pleasedon’t apologize.” Elizabeth stared at the coollybeautiful woman thoughtfully.

“You handledthat well. Jeremy is a charmer, someone you would do well to steerclear of.”

Madison smiledslightly. “I am not interested in him and know how to care formyself.”

“Good.”Elizabeth nodded as she walked over to her desk. “Now, fill mein.”



“Hey? Is thatany way to greet your absent husband?”

“If my absenthusband would hurry up and come home, I would have the chance to showhow much I miss him.” Shrugging out of her jacket, she hung iton the peg, relieved that her aunt had visited a sick friend.

“You are justarriving home? Darling, it’s after nine.”

“The project isstarting to take on a life of its own.”

“I do notappreciate my wife traveling this time of night. darling-”

“Before I wasyour wife, I had no problem traveling this late. You are worrying fornothing.” She went into the kitchen to put the kettle on. Thescent of apples and cinnamon permeated the air.

“And now youare my wife.”

“Have youcalled to berate me? If that’s the case, I will bedistraught.”