“I expect youto answer when I call. See that it does not happen in the future.”
“It won’t.”She said, forcing herself to remain professional. “Is thereanything else?”
“That’sit for now.” She hung up immediately.
Putting the phoneaway, she rubbed the back of her neck and then her forehead, where alow-grade headache was brewing. What made her think she could dothis? The job, her secret marriage.
And now her husbandwas leaving the country for a week. She felt she was backed into acorner with no way to turn. And she was constantly on the verge oftears. This was not her. Jolting at the knock on the door, shecomposed herself enough to call out for the person to come in.
“Andre sentsome refreshments for you,” Elaine smiled as she wheeled in atray. “You missed lunch.”
“I hadsomething on the road.” Even though she had barely touched thesoup.
“It’ssomething to tide you over until you leave.” Pushing the traycloser to her desk, the woman lifted the dome covers to reveal shrimpsimmering in melted butter.
“Please tellhim thanks for me.”
Chapter 11
“You aredistracted and barely eating. Is the duck not to your liking?”
Brennan looked downat his plate and realized he had not recognized what was on it.
“I had a biglunch.” he lied. Picking up the glass, he took a sip. He wasdying to leave, but he had to maintain his composure.
“You areleaving first thing in the morning.” Elizabeth knew her sonvery well, and she was concerned because she knew him so well.
“Yes,” hetold her briefly. “My bag is already packed.”
“I am sorry tobe doing this to you.”
“It’s thejob.” He responded with a careless shrug.
“There issomething I need to discuss with you.”
Brennan stifled hisimpatience as he discreetly glanced at his watch. He had promisedMadison that he would try to get away as soon as possible andarranged for them to stay at one of the apartments instead. He hadgiven her the address and code to get in, and she should be therewaiting for him even now.
“What is it?”
“It’sabout Janice.”
“No.’ Sheshook her head. “She is a very nice girl and comes from a goodfamily. We have been friends with that family for years. You could doworse.”
“I prefer topick my own. I certainly do not need my mother hooking me up.”
“You have notbeen with anyone since you got here.”
“And you arecomplaining about that?” There was a hint of amusement in hisvoice. “You were quite upset about how involved I was in thepast.”
“I want to seeyou settle down.”
“I am fine.”
“Are you?”She asked him softly. “I can see you are not happy.”