Page 48 of Brennan

“I knowsomething is bothering you, and I fervently wish you would tell mewhat it is. I know you are an adult and can more or less handle yourthings, but I hate seeing you so conflicted.”

“Conflicted.”He smiled at the inadequacy of that word, which really could notdescribe what he was going through. “I might be that.” heshook his head as he sipped the scotch.

“How soon willI have to leave?”

“How doestomorrow sound?”

“All right.”He nodded. “I need to take care of some things first. Will yoube at the office for the rest of the day?”

“I have severalmeetings I will have to sit in on, and since you are leaving, I willhave to stand in for you as well. So yes, I will be here for the restof the day. Ms. Hunt is making splendid progress, so I do not have torush home to see anything. Will I see you for supper?”

“Yes.”Putting away his glass, he touched her cheek lightly. “I willsee you at home.”

She watched him walk out and could notquell the uneasy feeling that something was wrong there, something hewas not telling her. But she would have to wait until he feltcomfortable enough to confide in her.


He had spent a fewminutes driving around aimlessly, but now he was here, and it wastime to face her. The doors were open, and she stood in front of thefile cabinet, head buried in the top drawer.

He could stand there,staring at her. She was so petite, the suit she had on molding to herslender curves. As if aware of his presence, she turned around andsaw him standing there. The flash of pleasure and surprise on herexquisite face warmed his heart.

“You arehere.”

“I am.”Leaning off the doorframe, he closed the doors behind him and movedforward.


“Is tied up atthe office.” His hands spanned her tiny waist as he drew her tohim/

“I amswamped.”

“I can seethat. Love the boots.”

“Thanks.”Her hands curled into his jacket. “What is it?”

“Icannot just stop by to see my wife?”

“You did thatthis morning.”

“And I amdoing it again.” His hands moved up and down her arms slowly.“Shall we sit?”

“I have work-”

“I need afew minutes.” Taking her hand, he led her over to the plushbrown sofa by the window. Keeping her hands in his, he turned her toface him. “How are you?”

Her eyebrows lifted.“I am fine.”

“Good.”Letting go of her hand, he reached inside her sweater to take out thering. “I adore you.”


“No. Justlisten. This is difficult. We both thought we should have waited, butthere was no going around it. You signed a contract to stay unmarriedfor two years, and I was not willing to wait that long.”Putting the ring back, he linked their fingers; he met her eyes. “Ihave every intention of making this work. Are you willing to doso?”

“Yes.”She whispered. “I am.”

“That’sall I wanted to hear.” Lifting her hand, he kissed herknuckles. “There is a crisis of some significance in her Parisoffice, and I have been trying to get out of going.”

“You areleaving?” She felt the fingers of fear grabbing at her throat.