“And I havebeen through therapy.”
“I am aware.”She started to approach him, stopping when he stepped back. “Youhave been troubled since the time you came back. I know how difficultbeing in this house is for you-”
“Then youshould understand that I am uncomfortable staying here.” Hedragged his fingers through his hair wearily. “I cannot bear togo into his so-called study, did you know that? It was where he tookme and the women he procured for me - for us.
This house-” Heswept a hand around the large green and gold bedroom. “It has alot of troubling memories; why would you want to be here?”
“Because Irefused to allow Bart Connelly to control my life. This is my home; Ihave made it mine since his death. He no longer controls mymovements, and I had hoped he did not influence you.” Shestretched a hand, dropping it when he stared at her.
“Darling, Ilove you so much and dropped the ball and my responsibilities becauseI foolishly thought he was the man of the house and was supposed tobe your father. I failed you, and for that, I am trying very hard toforgive myself.”
“Please,"He held up his hand. “I don’t blame you and apologize forbringing it up. Now, I need to get some sleep.”
“Darling? Youknow you can tell me anything, don’t you?”
“Of course.”He managed a smile as he walked her to the door.
“Get somesleep, darling.” Lifting a hand, she touched his cheek gently.“You do look exhausted.”
“Thanks,Mother.” He kissed her cheek before ushering her out the doorand closing the door behind her. He could not move for a few minutes.
Chapter 10
She layered themakeup on, but it did not make a difference. She had also dressedcarefully, donning a chic black pantsuit with an inside coralsweater. Her hair was brushed ruthlessly back and knotted into a bunat the nape of her neck.
Large gold hoops wereat her lobes, and the wedding ring he had placed on her finger was onthe necklace at her throat. Each time she moved, she could feel thembrushing against her skin.
Her aunt hadcommented on how withdrawn and tired she was.
“That woman isworking you too hard, honey.”
“I will befine.” She had poured coffee into a go cup and left thebreakfast on the counter.
Now she was here, andshe wondered if he had already left. She had spent the night tossingand turning in the bed, and her pillow was soaked with tears. She wasnot feeling very charitable towards him right now.
“Ms. Hunt, it’sgood that you are here early. I have compiled a file for you to startworking on. The details -” Elizabeth looked up at the knock onthe door.
“Ah, darling.You are just heading out?”
“Yes.” hekept his eyes on his mother; it was the most challenging thing he hadto do.
“Are you going in? We have the board meeting-”He looked over at Madison and gave her a nod before turning back tohis mother.
“I know,darling. I am just giving Ms. Hunt her instructions for the day. Iwill see you there.”
“All right.”With another brief nod, he left the room, closing the doors behindhim.
It took all of hercontrol to appear neutral and professional. Her heart slammed insideher chest when she saw him. And it was gratifying to realize that shewas not the only one who had had a rough night of it. There wereshadows under his eyes, and he looked tired.
“Now, Ms. Hunt,where were we?”
Making sure hismother had left with her driver, Brennan doubled back and returnedhome. Parking the vehicle at the base of the step, he informed thebutler to go where it was. “I will be out in a few minutes.”
Shaking his head asthe maid hurried out to take his jacket, he went straight to theoffice and pushed the doors open. Madison looked up and went rigidwhen she saw him.
“What are youdoing?”