Page 37 of Brennan

“And you smelllike raspberries.” He kissed her head and marveled at how tinyshe was.

“And I amlearning that you are very messy.”

“What?”She lifted her head so suddenly that it connected painfully with hischin.


“Sorry.”Her eyes glinted as she stared at him. “You were sayingsomething about my making a mess?”

His expression waswry as he rubbed his chin. “You left a damp towel on thebathroom floor and droplets on the sink.”

Her brows lifted.“So?”

“Is that what Ihave to expect every single morning?”

“Again. So?”

“I don’tmind picking up after you, darling.” Tilting her chin up, hekissed her softly, deeply, his tongue tangling with hers and sendingthe desire spiraling throughout her body. “Good to know thatyou are not at all perfect.”

“I live toplease.” She wished he had not stopped.

“Time enoughfor that later.” Interpreting her expression perfectly, hegrinned at her. “I intend to ravish you for most of the day,but for right now, I need sustenance. You did manage to ride the lifeout of me for most of the night.”

She snorted at thatand had him laughing as he took her hand and led the way to thedining table beneath the large bay window.

“Sit.”She urged, pushing him towards the table.

“Catering toyour husband?”

“Don’tget used to it.” She brought a plate with scrambled eggs,bacon, and light toast.

“Care to sit onmy lap while you eat?” He asked as he dug into the meal.

“And we knowwhat will happen if I do.” She handed him a large mug of blackcoffee before turning to prepare her plate.

He watched as shecame to the table and sat across from her. The space was small enoughfor his knees to bump against hers.

“I love this,”He told her quietly.

“So do I. Iwoke up this morning wishing we could stay here.” She glancedout at the stillness and beauty. The snow had covered everything insight, and the whiteness of it, the clean, pureness of it, wasdazzling to the eyes.

“I came downhere to start breakfast and found myself pretending we were just anormal couple going about our daily lives. We are having breakfastnow and then heading out to tend to the animals.

It would be just us,struggling to make a living; perhaps there is a greenhouse where weplanted vegetables that have survived the harsh winter.” Sheturned back to look at him. “And we would not mind the hardshipbecause we have each other.”

He had gone stillat the beginning of her musing and was caught up by the picture shepainted.

“But we are notthat couple.”

“No.” Sheshook her head. “We are anything but ordinary.” She wastrying to sound brisk so he would not notice how melancholy she hadbecome. They were returning home tonight, back to reality where theyhad to pretend nothing had changed.

She was now a marriedwoman, and something was bothering her, something she should have orthey should have thought of before last night.

“We did not useanything.”

“No.” Hedid not have to ask for an explanation because he knew what she wassaying. “I don’t intend to.”