Page 28 of Brennan

“Darling, wehave to leave.” Taking her hand in his, he drew her againsthim.

“You have notsaid where we are going.”

“A farm housebelonging to a friend.” He tucked her into the car's passengerside before sliding into the driver’s seat. “It’sseveral miles away, so I ordered some food items. There is cake. “Heflashed her an engaging smile that had her heart turning over.

She was married tohim, Brennan Connelly was her husband, and she could not believe shehad made this huge step.

“You, okaydarling?” He implored a little.

“I don’tknow.” The phone that had been handed to her when she juststarted working - good God! It was not even three weeks yet! Thephone was in her pocketbook, resting on her lap because she could notafford to miss any calls.

And she had lied toher aunt, telling her that she was required to work the entireweekend. More than that, she had gotten married without her onlyliving relative being there.

“Please talk tome.” His quiet, deep voice intruded on her thoughts.

“This iswrong.”

“You regret themarriage.” His expression was tight. “It does not matterthat I am in love with you-”

“We lied to thepeople we love! I cannot believe I let you talk me into doing this.Marriage is a big deal, and to start like this - being secretive andfurtive is not a good sign. We should have waited-”

“I was notprepared to do so.”

“What if thesefeelings fade? What then?”

“You mean mylove for you?” He asked harshly, fingers tightening on thewheel. “That feeling?”

“I don’tmean to upset you-”

“Then youshould have thought about that before you started talking.”

“I am entitledto my opinion. We don’t know each other. How is this going towork? I will live with my aunt, and you will live with your mom. Whenare we going to see each other?”

He found a break inthe traffic and took it, turning off to the side of the road andstopping the vehicle. “We are not spending a night away fromeach other. Is that clear?”

The look on hishandsome face was stamped with determination, and there was a glintin his emerald-green eyes. “How will that work?”

“We willmake it work.”


“Either youcome to me, or I go to you. It’s that simple. When two peoplewant to be together, they find a way to make it happen.”

“You aretalking about ordinary people. You are far from being that.”She fussed with the straps of her bag and avoided his eyes.

“Do you regretwhat you did?” His quiet voice had her looking at him, and shefelt the heat, the fire burning low inside her. He was so potent thatshe had been swept off her feet since the first day she met him.

“I should.”She whispered.


“I cannot thinkwhen I am near you, and that’s the problem,” Sheadmitted.

“Do you believethat I love you - that I am head over heels in love with you?”


“If you doubtanything else, please don’t doubt my feelings for you.”Lifting a hand, he gripped her chin. “I love you. And we willget to know each other over time. We will talk with each other thisweekend. It will be one of the revelations between us getting to knoweach other physically.