Page 27 of Brennan

“I am nottaking no for an answer. I am on my way to your place-”

“I am notthere.”

“Oh. Where areyou?”

“That’sno concern of yours.”

“Isn’tit, darling? I love you. I sat at that dinner table listening to thevarious conversations, and all I wanted was to be with you. Love meback, darling. We will work things out. If I cannot have you as mywife, nothing else matters.

I will not ask you ifyou are with another guy, and I sincerely hope that's not the case. Istudied law, did you know that, darling? If you are bothered by theprenup, I can draw one up, and you can sign it. Or have a friend doso. Andrew or Alex-”

“Stop.”She whispered.

“Not until yousay yes. We could be married this weekend. You will not have to doanything. I will make all the arrangements. Please say yes.”

“Damn you,yes.” She whispered. “God help us.”

“He will.”


“Are you sureabout this?” Kyle asked her.


“And you cannottell, Ilene.”

“She isinvolved in her book and bridge clubs and on several committees atthe church we attend. She is not going to keep her mouth shut aboutthis. You are the only one I can trust - we can trust.”

“And what willshe say when this comes out? You know it will, Madison.” Theywere at his place, where she was preparing for the small ceremony.

He was going to be awitness, and Brennen was getting a friend to be a second witness. Heremployer was off for the weekend on a retreat with several friendsand had told her to keep her phone on.

“I might needyou to make several phone calls.”

“Enjoy yourtime off.”

All she had receivedwas a cool nod for the pleasantry. Now, she was going against thelegal document and was marrying the woman’s son. If she thoughtabout it hard enough, it would make her crazy.

“You can stillback out.”

“I don’twant to.” Turning away from the mirror, she spread her arms.“How do I look?”

She had chosen towear a simple cream wool dress with long sleeves, the gossamermaterial clinging to every slender curve. Her hair was loose aroundher face and shoulders, the golden tip glowing in the light comingthrough the window. The chain around her neck had a single pear droppendant, a gift from Brennen.

“Like a bride,”He told her huskily. Coming forward, he placed his hands on hershoulders.

“Are yousure?”

“I am.”she took a shuddering breath. “For better or worse.”


The ceremony wasshort and was over in less than half an hour.

“I have to getback to the hospital, darling. A pile up on the highway.” Kylehugged her and whispered in her ear. “He had better live up tohis vows, or he answers to me.”

“Thanks.”She hugged him back.