Page 25 of Brennan

A smile touched hislips. “I have a feeling I am the fortunate one. Could you notsay anything to your parents?”

“Yes, ofcourse.” She touched his face, her expression gentle. “Wewould have made a wonderful couple.”

“Some day,you will make some man very happy.”

“Just notyou.”

“No.”Bending, he kissed her on the cheek. “Just not me.”



“I don’tfeel up to going home yet.”


“A little bit.”She followed him into the kitchen. “How was work?”

“Hectic.”Kyle rubbed a hand at the back of his neck. “I have been upsince five this morning and managed to get half an hour of sleepbefore I had to go into surgery again. I am running on fumes.”

“Then let me dothis.” She pushed him away from the stove and rescued the macand cheese by turning off the stove.

“There areleftover drumsticks in the microwave.”

“You are adoctor and should know better about microwaving.”

“And the factthat I am a recently single doctor makes my point.” He went toget the wine and poured it into two glasses.

“I am driving,remember?”

“It’s notthat potent.” He handed her the glass and got out two plates.‘What’s up?”

“I just came tosee how you were doing.” She handed him the plate beforesitting down.

“I happen toknow you. What’s bothering you? Is the job not working out?”

“I am introuble.” She admitted huskily, reaching for the wine.

“What kind oftrouble?”

“I metsomeone.”

“That was fast.Who is this guy?”

She took another sip.“I am all twisted inside and have no idea what to do.”

“Because ofthat damn document, you signed. I knew it would come back to bite youin the ass. Have you told the fellow what he is up against?”

“He knows.”Putting the glass down, she rose to start pacing. “He wants tomarry me.”

“When did youmeet this guy?” Kyle asked her with a frown.

“My first dayon the job.” She passed a hand over her forehead and closed hereyes.

“One of thoserich, entitled pricks?”

“You are goingto call me a fool.”