Page 18 of Brennan

So, she was goingdownstairs to try and indulge in light conversation while she forceddown the delicious soup that had been specially prepared for her.Shoving her phone into her pocket, she put her game face on and wentback downstairs and into the kitchen, where the scent of chicken souppermeated the air.

“There you are,honey; I wondered what was keeping you.”

“I have alittle headache and took something for it.”

“You poorthing, this job is already getting to you.” Her aunt placed thebowl in front of her. “Now, tell me about your day.”

She spent the timegiving her amusing anecdotes about what she could talk about anddescribing the rooms she had seen.

“A veritablepalace.” Ilene mused. “I made raisin bread as well. Makesure you eat everything.”

“Where are yougoing?”

“My gout isacting up, and you know what happens when it dies. I am just going totake my medicine and go straight to bed. It always knocks me out.Just leave the dishes, and I will get to them in the morning.”Stacking the ones she had used inside the sink, she kissed her on thecheek. “Have a good night, my dear.”

Waiting until heraunt had cleared the room, she emptied the rest of the soup into therecycler before putting away the bread. She was jumpy. She had bothphones inside her pocket and was waiting for either of them to ring.She was supposed to make herself available- her hands jerked when oneof the phones pinged.

Telling herself thatshe was relieved that it was her work phone. “Ms. Hunt.”


“I planned anintimate dinner party with a few friends and would like you toarrange the details. I will be out most of the day and at thecorporate office. I need you to liaise with the household staff andselect the best place for this dinner. Seafood, I think. Speak withAndre about the menu.”

“I will.”


Hanging up, she saton the stool and combed her fingers through her curls. She was on theverge of turning in when her phone rang. It was him, she knew itbefore she took the phone and looked at the LED.

“I am outside,and before you tell me you are staying in, I have to tell you that Iam parked outside your home, and I am not afraid to come in if you donot come out. I would prefer to come inside where it is warm.”

“You think youcan threaten me?” She hissed.

“It’s nota threat, darling. I told you I need to see you and am waiting.”

Hanging up on him,she stood there indecisively. She had heard the steely inflection andrealized he meant what he said. Her aunt had no doubt taken the medsso that she would be out of it for the rest of the night, but shecould not take the chance.

Hissing out a breath,she left the kitchen and went to put her coat on. He was parked inthe middle of the driveway and exited the car as soon as he saw her.“I do not appreciate you popping up at my home and threateningme.” She blazed at him.

“You lookdifferent.” The look on his face had the anger dissolving to bereplaced by desire, hot, raging desire. “With your hair downlike that and wearing those clothes, you look like a teenager.”He pulled her into his arms slowly. “I feel like a dirty oldman just touching you.”

“Brennen, thisis crazy. My aunt is inside-”

“Then let’sgo to the apartment I mentioned.”


“At least comeand sit in the car; it’s cold.”

With a shrug, shefollowed him. When she pulled the passenger door, he guided her tothe back door, where he bundled her in and pulled her into his arms.The kiss was heavy, and the heat inside the back of the car wassizzling. Pulling the shirt over her head, he murmured deep insidehis throat when he saw that she was not wearing a bra.

“You are sobeautiful.’ He whispered, running his hands up and down herback.

Lifting her, he tookher nipple into his mouth, tongue torturing the tight bud. “Ido not want our first time to be in the back seat of my vehicle.”Lifting his head, he cupped her face. “You know what ishappening between us, and it’s not going away. What are wegoing to do about it, darling?”

“Nothing,”she whispered. “Do you know what you are saying?”

“I love you,”he whispered as he took her lips in a kiss that stole her breath.