Page 71 of Brennan

“Of course,darling.” Putting the glass down, she rose. “Dinner willbe served whenever you are ready.” She added before slippingout of the room and closing the doors behind her.

“I know whatyou are going to say.” Madison began.

“I bet youdon’t.” Sliding off the arm of the chair, he went to therecessed cabinet to touch the button. “You feel guilty becauseof the contract. You are my wife, and I will not have you-”

“ Working?”She got to her feet and rounded on him. “I am supposed to bearm candy, is that it? The little lady who cannot do anything forherself. I am not that girl.

I love this charity,Brennan. I saw pics of those girls - girls as young as twelve. Yourmother and the rest of her friends are doing a hell of a job, and Iwant to be in on it. What do you expect me to do, baby? Sit at homeand knit?

“Can you knit?”

“Hell no. I cantalk to people and get money out of them. Go on a crusade to helpthose girls.” Walking over, she placed both hands on his darkblue cable knit sweater. “I love you, baby. I love that youlook out for me and are attentive and protective. But I am a biggirl, and I don’t just want to be your wife. I want to make adifference.”

“You don’tjust want to be my wife?”

“No. Do youhave any idea how much I love you?” She whispered, handsclutching at his sweater.

“Trying tobutter me up, darling?”

“Is itworking?”

Sighing deeply, heclosed his hands over her wrists. “There are conditions.”

“I can workwith that.”

“You have notheard them yet.”

“I am sure Ican work with anything you say.”

“All right,let’s go and sit down for supper.”

Elizabeth waiteduntil they had got to the second course before she brought it up. “Ihate to broach the topic-”

“My wife isdetermined to be a working woman.” Brennan reached for hiswine, his eyes on the woman across from him. “She made somevalid points, and I agreed to listen.”

“Oh, that’swonderful.”

“You have notheard my conditions yet,” He told his mother mildly.

“What arethey?”

“She does notwork like a damn slave. You hire someone to do the heavy lifting. Sheeats on time and takes time to rest.”

“I am not ill-”Madison broke off at the stern look he threw at her. “Go on.”

“She leaves ontime. I want you to be home when I am home. Is that clear?”

“How aboutthis?” Elizabeth interjected. “Whenever we have to worklate, she stays here, and you come over. The suite is still yours,darling.”

Brennan sent her aknowing look.

“I am nottrying to get you to move back in, but it makes much sense.”She pointed out.

“I agree.”He turned to look at his wife, the smile turning into a look of alarmat the look on her face. “Madison? What is it?”

“I don’t-”Closing her eyes, she pressed a hand against her stomach. “I amsorry; please excuse me.” Pushing back the chair, she fled theroom with her husband behind her.

He found her on herknees in the pink and cream powder room. The sound of her retchingtore at his heart. Without a word, he hunkered behind her and fistedhis hand into her hair.