Page 9 of Magically Wild

I filled her in. Her eyes widened when I got to the part about the portal, but she kept silent until I’d finished.

“That was…something,” she said.


Sylvana grimaced as she stared around the clearing. “My team…”

Dot answered. “All heartbeats are stable. If you’ve got a healer, I suggest you start with that one.” She pointed at a prone elf lying crumpled on the ground. “He’s lost a lot of b–” She took a deep breath before she finished the word, forcing it between her fangs like it had done her a personal wrong. “Blood.”

The captain called it in, and soon a band of elven healers appeared, their green, soothing magic filling the clearing with the scent of fresh-cut grass. One of them offered to heal me. I considered brushing them away, but the scorching sting of silver still scoured my skin, so I accepted and only sneezed twice as the unfamiliar magic brushed against my shifter healing abilities, making me woozy.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I need a drink.”

Sylvana smiled, her elven hearing picking up my whisper. “I can help with that.”

She slipped a carved hip flask out from somewhere under her armour. “I always carry it. For emergencies.”

The elf handed me the bottle, and I sipped, coughing as the harsh liquid burned its way down my throat. “Fire whisky?” I croaked.

She shrugged and took the flask back, taking a drink herself. “Sometimes honey mead just doesn’t cut it.”

The elf went up in my estimation. “You’re not so bad…for an elf.”

“You’re not so bad yourself…for a shifter.”


Back at the office, I sank into my chair, enjoying the familiar smell of musty books and old leather.

“How’d it go?” Maxi asked as he brought me my coffee, black and strong. Just how I liked it.

“Weird.” He gave me a look, and I amended my answer. “Weirder than normal.”

“And Dot?”

“She’s got the rest of the day off.”

Maxi let out a whistle. He knew things were bad when I let the team take unscheduled leave. Normally, we needed all hands on deck just to keep up with the dzraking paperwork.

I took a swig of my coffee, savouring the bitter taste. “Any fires I should know about back here?”

He coughed. “Funny you should mention that…” Maxi placed a report on my desk. I scanned the first page. Some idiot witch with a pyromaniac complex. With a sigh, I downed my coffee and reholstered my crossbow. Just another day in the Magical Liaison Office.

Want to read more of Agent Jones’ adventures?

Check out this FREE short story: Summer Solstice in Swindon

or check out her novel in the Rise of the Dragons series: Darkest Deception.

About G Clatworthy

G Clatworthy started writing during the 2020 lockdown. Her first book was called The Girl Who Lost Her Listening Ears, which tells you all you need to know about lockdown! She soon switched to fantasy, and she loves mixing the magical with the mundane, especially if it involves dragons! She lives in Wiltshire, UK, with her family and two cats. When she’s not writing, she enjoys playing board games, drinking tea, and eating chocolate.

G Clatworthy also writes children's books as Gemma Clatworthy.

You can become one of her bookwyrms by signing up for her mailing list at for free stories, and you can find her on facebook at and instagram at

Herbs, a flask and Spaghetti Water