Page 72 of Magically Wild

It was bizarre. It didn’t matter, though. I wasn’t going to let Dwayne go.

I shook my head. “I’ll keep him safe.”

“No, like keep the general public safe from him, I mean,” the blond drawled. “He’s had a most bogus existence, you know. He might snap.”

The dark-haired one nodded enthusiastically. “He’s, uh, like, a rescue. He’s damaged.”

The tears immediately welled up in my eyes again. I clutched the goose tighter. “Damaged things deserve love, too.”

“Whoa,” they said in unison. They leaned back, facing each other.

“That beautiful babe is most unhinged,” the dark-haired one drawled.

“Yuh. The gur’akkavon seems to like her, though.”

“They’re best buddies already.”


They nodded at each other seriously.

“Well… what do we do? The keeper is expecting us to bring back a rescue.”

The blond cleared his throat awkwardly and turned back to me. “Uh… Babe?” He tilted his head, looking down at me. “Have you considered, like, therapy?”

I laughed and wiped my face again. The tears just wouldn’t stop. “All the therapy in the world will not fix me.”

“Bogus,” they said sadly, perfectly in unison.

“I need him.” My voice trembled. “We need each other. I’ll take care of him, I promise. He’ll blend in well here, nobody will suspect anything. I’ll make him as happy as possible.”

The strangers huddled together. “Old gur’akkavon should get the chance to be happy, dude.”

“She should, too. That babe is most distraught.”

“Will gur’akkavon make her happy?”

“Maybe. He might kill her, though.”



The dark-haired one leaned over the barrier again. “Y’know, I read that most people in this realm find happiness in service to others. Do you think you could maybe… serve people? That might make you happy.”

“I don’t know how to serve people.” I shrugged. “I’m only good at killing people.”

The dark-haired man hesitated for a second, then brightened. “Have you tried… killing in the service of others, then?”

I stared at him for a long moment. “Killing… in the service… of others?”

I’d only ever killed on assignment before. And now, for vengeance. What did “killing in the service of others” mean?

Suddenly, an image of the bartender, Cherry, popped into my mind. Cherry was a prisoner of the monster, Javier. If Javier were gone, Cherry would be free. And she’d inherit the bar.

How had this never occurred to me before? “Killing in the service of others?” I breathed out slowly.

“Yuh!” He grinned at me happily. “Like, do it to help other people!”