Page 46 of Magically Wild

The old man nodded. “Yep. So, tell me what happened from your point of view.”

When Oliver opened his mouth to speak, the wizard held up a finger and looked around. “One moment, I’m going to make it so we have true privacy.” Then he spoke a word and snapped his fingers.

Oliver didn’t see or hear anything. He looked around.

“Don’t worry, my boy, no one will hear you now.”

Oliver nodded.

“Let’s start with how you gained your familiar.”

Oliver told him the whole thing. From the library book to Rill’s friends and the coins.

The lawyer nodded and had him clarify a few things and jotted notes down on a legal pad. After Oliver finished, Geoffrey turned to Rill.

“Your turn. Tell me your side of the story.”

Oliver raised his eyebrows and squeezed his eyes shut. All of this and his lawyer was nuts to boot. He was doomed.

“Now,” the lawyer continued. “Why did you fly in Ollie’s window?”

Rill cocked his head, and then chirped and beeped and squawked. The lawyer took down notes.

“And the other birds, were you controlling them?” Geoffrey asked.

More bird sound. It looked for all the world like the two were having a conversation in English over a cup of tea.

Oliver shook his head. He might as well just yell, “I’m guilty.”

Once Rill fell silent, Geoffrey turned back to him. “You’re in luck.”

Oliver slouched; he didn’t feel lucky. He felt like a man about to walk up the steps to the gallows.

“You speak to birds?” Oliver said incredulously.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. Yes, I do indeed. I’m an avis loquens.”

Oliver blinked at him uncomprehendingly. “A what?”

“Oh,” Geoffrey laughed. “I forgot you have no formal training. An avis loquens. A wizard that can speak to birds. Every wizard has a unique talent.”

They did? Well, if that were true then his was the unique talent of bad luck.

“I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful, I’m not, but you act as though you know me. I don’t remember meeting you before,” Oliver added.

“Yes, yes, well. You were quite small the last time we met. I’m your uncle.”

Chapter Five

“Well, great-uncle to be precise. I’m your grandfather Bill’s brother,” he clarified.

“Brother?” Oliver repeated stupidly. “How come I don’t know you? I didn’t know grandpa had a brother.”

“That’s another long story. I’ll give you the highlights. Bill, my brother, never had any magic. He was jealous of me. After your dad died, he pushed everyone out of his life. He forbade me from seeing you, and from doing magic in his presence.”

That was a very short version. Now Oliver was burning with curiosity. He didn’t know anyone else in his family was a wizard. This was part of why he wasn’t able to get training—not having family to sponsor him. Now he felt betrayed by the man that had raised him and who he loved like a father.

His thoughts must have shown on his face because Geoffrey came closer and patted him on the back. “There there, boy. Your grandfather did the best he could. He didn’t know what it would be like for someone with the power you have. He thought he was doing right by you. Now, let’s get you out of here for the night, and clean this mess up.”