Page 46 of Sworn to the Orc

The potion sprayed up, splattering the person’s robe and making a sticky, purple mess. Some even spattered on their cheeks and mouth.

“Ugh!” The pretty, androgynous face wrinkled in disgust and they tried to brush the potion off their robe. Then they brought their hands to their face. “What is this stuff—what is that smell?” They licked their lips. “We have it on our mouth too! Disgusting!”

I had noticed when I poured the rest of the potion into a jar that it seemed to have gotten much stronger—maybe from sitting out all night. Anyway, it didn’t take much of it to take effect on the person in the green robe. They began writhing in an alarming way—it almost looked like they were trying to tear themselves apart.

And then they did tear apart—into two separate people. One was clearly a beautiful woman with long red hair and the other was a tall, handsome man with shorter hair and flashing eyes. Both of them were wearing identical green robes.

“Who are you?” Rath demanded again, and this time the person—who had now become two people—answered truthfully.

“We are the Dual Natured—we serve Baba Yaga!” the woman declared.

“She sent us to weave our spell of persuasion and turn you back,” the man added.

“That’s what I thought,” Rath growled. “Now get the fuck out of the way and let us pass!”

But the two people who had called themselves “the Dual Natured” were too busy to answer. They were looking at each other with what could only be described as extreme longing…which abruptly turned into lust. Suddenly they were kissing each other and tearing at the green robes they were both somehow wearing.

Before Rath and I could even get past them, they were lying on the snowy ground, going at it as fast and hard as possible.

“Wow,” I muttered, glancing back at them as we left them behind. “That gives a whole new meaning to the words, ‘go fuck yourself!’”

Rath snorted laughter and looked at me.

“I guess it was the tincture you brewed that you threw at them? The one that was a truth serum and a lust potion in one?”

I nodded.

“I thought it might come in handy.”

“You were right. We never would have gotten past them if you hadn’t been so quick thinking.”

“Well, I might not be able to lift a giant hammer, but I do my best.” I grinned at him and he grinned back.

“Oh, getting full of yourself now, huh?”

“I wouldn’t say that exactly,” I began. But then the words died in my mouth. I pointed with a shaking finger at the trees ahead of us. “Rath, what’s that?”

He looked where I was pointing and his face went grim.

“That is our third challenge and I’ll need to face it by myself.” He had been carrying me all this time but now he set me down on the snowy ground. “Get away, baby,” he growled softly, his eyes never leaving the threat. “Run and hide like you promised. I have to deal with this alone.”


Iwanted to run like Rath told me to and I did—for a little way, at least. But the snow was deep and I kept tripping. Also, I didn’t like to leave him to face the enormous thing coming through the woods alone…even if I had no idea what I could do to help him fight it. I turned and hid behind a tree, peering out from behind the trunk to see what was happening.

At first I thought the approaching monster was an enormous snake because it had a long, scaly neck. But then I saw its huge body coming through the woods, breaking trees like they were matchsticks as it pushed its way towards us.

Was it a dinosaur? A dragon? It had a face like a dragon, I decided, and a body like a T-Rex. It was bizarre looking because the long, scaly neck bobbed and slithered through the air, ducking and weaving through the broken tree branches high above its enormous body as it lumbered forward, the short front arms clawing the air.

“All right, you fucker,” I heard Rath growl. “Come on—you want to dance? Let’s dance.”

The searching eyes—which were blood red, by the way—fastened on the big Orc and the thing let out a screaming roar that drilled right through my head like an ice pick.

I gasped and put my hands to my ears as the long, snaky neck dived down through the trees with its mouth open. It had curving fangs as long as my arm and I could see green venom dripping from their tips.

Rath didn’t move or try to get away. Instead, he took aim with his enormous hammer and slammed it into the side of the angry dragon head the minute it came close enough.

I saw the side of the head cave in and the light go out of the red, glowing eyes. The neck slumped, going limp so that the ruined head dragged on the ground. The enormous body sagged and for a moment, I thought it would topple over and that would be the end of this “challenge” as Rath had called it.