Page 117 of Twisted Royals

“Stay away from me,” I order with a shaking finger pointed at him.

He sighs deeply and his lips press into a thin line. “You need to rest. Get down from there.” He gestures for me to get off the bed.

Is he insane? Why is he talking like this is a normal meeting? I just woke up a captive in his home. I’m not going to just sidle up next to him so he can do whatever he pleases.

“No.” I shake my head, and stay put.

He doesn’t seem to like that. His eyes narrow, creating little creases at the edges.

“I’m not going to ask again, little girl. Get down. Now.” He snaps his fingers and points at the floor.

Little girl?

“Tell me who you are! Why am I here?” I shout at him.

He sighs. In one quick movement, he wraps one arm around my legs behind my knees, knocking me forward. I fall onto his shoulder, and he carries me across the room. The man moves like the wind.

He puts me down, sliding my body down his until my feet touch the floor.

“Now,” he begins, arching an eyebrow, “My name is Lucas. Like I said, you’re in our care. Which means, you do as we say.” He points a finger at me. “The first time we say it.”

The little bit of information he gives me barely answers my question, so I ask another. “Who is we?”

“You’ll meet the others after you rest some more. Take two of the aspirin and drink all the water.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I’m not taking anything you give me. Why am I here?”

“Because it’s where you’re safe.” He straightens up, getting even taller if that was possible as he rolls his shoulders back. If he hurt himself hauling me off the bed, it’s his own fault. I’m not going to feel sorry for him.

“If you’re going to ransom me, just make the call. My stepmother will give you what you want.” Won’t she?

Lucas shakes his head. “I don’t want any Snow money.”

“Then what do you want?” I ask, pressing myself against the wall behind me.

“To keep you safe.”

“I was safe!” I point out, frustration lacing my tone.

“You weren’t, but we’ll talk more about that later.” He gives another look toward the night table. “Take your aspirin and rest for now.”

There’s a knock at the door just before it opens. A man steps inside, his thick dark eyebrows knitted together with concern as he looks me over. He’s sporting a dark five-o’clock shadow and has the softest brown eyes I’ve ever seen on a man.

“Everything all right in here?” he asks with a southern drawl. His was one of the voices I’d heard as I came to.

“No.” I hurry to him. He’s got to be the voice of reason. “I want to go home. Let me go home.”

He rubs his jaw. “Well, now. I can’t do that.” He looks over at Lucas. “Hunter has some news.”

“He’s here?” Lucas asks.

“No. On a call. Thought you might want to jump on it.” He jerks his thumb over his shoulder.

“I do.” Lucas cups my shoulders and moves me out of his way to get to the door. “She needs the aspirin. That shit Hunter used has to be killing her head.”

“I’ll get her to take it.” His jaw firms as he makes his promise.

“Wait.” I reach for Lucas. I’m not sure this guy is any better.