“That’s not true.” I take a small step toward her.
“I will not go back to Nebraska. I sold the house. I have nothing there.” She’s rambling. I think I’ve made her nervous, caging her in this way.
“No.” I slide my hands into my front pockets. “You’re not going back to Nebraska,” I agree with her. A new decision has been made.
Her shoulders drop, as though relieved, but there’s caution in her eyes.
Smart girl.
Her phone lays on the bed beside the basket. It lights up with a message coming through. I lean toward it slightly, seeing the text.
“Who is Bob?”
An idea blooms in her expression. Damn, she is a sight to witness when she’s squirming with her plotting. I’d almost forgotten how quickly on her feet she could think when she found herself backed in a corner.
“He’s my boyfriend.” She thrusts her chin out. “And he’s going to be really pissed if I don’t answer him.”
“Oh?” I’m almost enjoying her little lies.
“Yes.” She reaches for the door handle, but I grab her wrist before she can open it.
“You’re lying.”
She narrows her eyes. “I am not.” She yanks, but I’m not letting go.
“That’s two lies.”
“I am not lying, you asshole.”
“No?” I palm the phone in my hand. “When you came to the club last night, why didn’t he bring you? Why were you there with your girlfriend?” Here, sweet Isolde, have a shovel. Let’s see how deep this hole of yours can go.
Her pink lips part, and a stutter of sound follows, but she doesn’t form any real words. She’s never been a great liar. She comes up with excuses on the fly, but they almost never stick.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m not going anywhere with you.” She nods her head hard, like she’s put some sort of exclamation point on her sentence.
My own phone vibrates in my pocket. I’m waiting on information, so I pull it out to check the message.
Her reappearance in the city hasn’t gone unnoticed. Ripples of rumors have made their way around, but they’ve reached the wrong ears.
That settles things.
I raise my eyes to hers and slide the phone back into my pocket.
“You’re getting everything wrong tonight, Isolde.” I lean in, closer to her face. “You are going with me tonight. And you are going to do everything I say from now on.”
She looks like she wants to spit in my face, but luckily, she smartens up.
“And why would I do any of those things?”
“Because if you don’t, you’ll be punished. I was going to let you just go back to Nebraska and resume your life. That’s what I wanted for you. A quiet life with no danger, but you obviously would rather have this life. So, I’ll give it to you.”
“I really hate you.”
“So you’ve said. I’ll give you a few minutes to finish throwing some things in a bag, then we’re going.”
“No.” She fists her hands at her sides.
I don’t think she understands how hard her bluster makes my cock.