“About wanting you? Never.”
He kisses my cheek, then my chin, trailing slow kisses along my jaw then down to my throat.
He pins me with a severe look. “You’re not going anywhere.”
His declaration wraps around me in a blanket of security and love so tightly I can barely breathe.
“No. I’m not going anywhere,” I vow.
“We’ll get married whenever you’re ready.” He softens his tone, but the fierceness in his eyes burns hot. He’s not a patient man, but I think he means what he says. He’ll wait for me to be ready.
“A real wedding. Not a shotgun wedding with a judge.” I tease the limits of his patience. “It could take six months to a year to plan.”
He frowns. “I’ll give you one month.” He holds up a finger.
I laugh. It’s longer than I thought he’d give.
“I can do one month.” I nod.
“Good girl.”
“Are you going to play or not, Viktor?” Sergei whines from across the table.
I drag my attention away from the short haired beauty in the next room sitting with her legs folded beneath her on the couch, to the cards in my hand.
“Your attention span is like a baby tonight.” Sergei continues his complaint even after I’ve attacked with my King of Hearts.
“I’m still holding less cards than you, Durak.” I look back at the living room again when laughter bursts out.
“The girls are having fun at least.” Andrei tosses his cards down, bringing the attack to Sergei.
“Why don’t you teach Izzy and her friend how to play?” Sergei frowns at the cards on the table, then back at his hand. “Maybe I’d be winning.” He grabs the cards in the middle of the table, adding them to the stack he already holds in his hand. He’ll never win the game at this rate. Two more rounds, and I’ll win.
“I don’t think it would help you, Sergei. I’ve seen you lose to a child before.” Andrei pours another round of drinks.
Marlena’s head snaps up, seeking us out as Andrei caps the decanter. She scoots herself onto a couch cushion further away from where we sit. Izzy notices the movement too; she casts a glance over her shoulder at us.
“Everyone has comments.” Sergei puts his cards down and picks up his drink.
Andrei casts a quick glance at the girls, then leans across the table. “You’re both going to be there tomorrow, yes?” He gives us pointed looks.
Izzy is taking her mother’s ashes to be buried beside her older brother.
“Of course.” I give a hard nod, keeping Marlena in my side gaze. She’s kept her phone on the coffee table close to her all night. Her shoulders are tense, and she keeps checking on us every time she hears Andrei open the decanter.
“Good. She won’t want a big deal made, but family should be there.” He leans back, looking at his cards again.
A buzzing sound wafts over to us. Marlena’s phone dances on the tabletop, and she swipes it up, looking at the message with wide eyes. Her lips thin as she presses them together.
Something’s been worrying the woman all night.
“You’re going to ruin the cards, Viktor.” Andrei taps the table, drawing my attention back to him.
I look down at my hand. I’ve fisted them so tightly there’s a crease in the middle. “Shit.” I press them down flat on the table.
“Still no progress on that front then?” Sergei asks after checking over his shoulder.
“Not yet.” I throw back my drink, putting the crystal glass back on the table harder than I intended. Again, Marlena’s eyes snap to us, and again she scoots back. She’s pressed against the arm of the couch now. She has nowhere else to go.