Page 51 of Sacred Vow

“It’s frustrating, I’m sure.” She gives a little smile. “But it’s better to let it come back organically.”

“You can’t just like hypnotize me and get it out?” Maybe that’s what I was hoping for when I thought of this idea.

“No.” She attempts to hide a laugh. “It doesn’t really work like that. Is there a reason you want the memory back quickly? It’s been seven years, why the rush now?” She reaches for the pad again.

Because if I don’t figure out what I know that I’m not supposed to know, a powerful mafia madman is going to push me down the wedding aisle, and I’ll never truly know love. I’ll have amazing orgasms, but no love.

I don’t tell her this.

“I’m just tired of having a missing memory.” I rub my hands over my knees.

She nods. “Understandable. So, for this week, your homework is to go through the months before the accident. Recall as much as you can about your relationship with your brother and your mother. Were there any fights? Any fun memories? The good and the bad. Then write them down in a journal. Just keep a running notebook as they come to you.”

“All right. I can do that.” I nod.

“Good. Now I can’t guarantee this will go any faster, but if you’d like, we’ll meet once a week.”

“Yeah. I think that works.” How the hell am I going to get Igor not to blab about being here?

“Okay, then. Just see Jenny at the front, and she’ll get you squared away.” She puts her notepad on the coffee table and walks me to the door.

“If the block starts to loosen, meaning some new memories come through, and they cause you any distress, I want you to call the office. If it’s after hours, the answering service can page me.” She walks me to the door at the end of the short hall.


“See you next week.” She opens the door for me.

“Izzy!” Marlena stands in the middle of the waiting room, clutching my purse. Igor stands at the door, a fierce frown on his lips. I look to the receptionist, who appears as confused as I feel.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“He’s coming,” she states, thrusting my purse at me. “Your phone kept going off, over and over. Text messages then one call, then two.” She frowns. “I didn’t answer it, but the messages were from Andrei.”

My stomach drops. “I’ll have to call to make the next appointment.” I wave at Jenny and snatch my purse, opening the flap to get to my phone.

Seven text messages, starting with a casual how’s your day going to what are you doing to why aren’t you answering, and then it just got darker from there. Three missed calls.

I look to Igor who folds his arms over his chest.

“We should wait here,” he states.

And that’s when I know.

Andrei knows exactly where I am.

“We have to go.” I yank open the door and rush down to the elevator, slapping the call button several times.

“That won’t help,” Marlena says, coming to stand behind me. “It’s all right. You went to the doctor, Izzy. It’s fine.”

The elevator dings and hope blooms. Maybe I can get back to the penthouse before he reaches me. I’ll still have to answer his questions, but at least he won’t be here. He’ll have time to calm down.

“Oh, shit,” Marlena whispers as the elevator doors open.

“Oh, no.” Maybe I can get to the stairwell.

“Get in the elevator, Isolde.” Andrei’s icy tone sends a shiver through me.

“I’ll take the next one.” I reach for the call button again. I still haven’t learned. Andrei Petrov doesn’t cool down, he simmers.