“Congratulations, both of you.”

I look past Daddy to see that King Anson is smiling at us. The only one in the whole ballroom who is. “Another happy union in Paravel. I can’t tell you how much this means to your King.”

As if they’re old friends, he and Cassian shake hands. There are audible gasps around us. Someone is touching the King. A commoner is touching the King.

I drop into a curtsey, and when I straighten, I see that King Anson is addressing Daddy.

“My apologies for cutting in front of you. I know you’ll be wanting to congratulate your daughter. The countries old wounds are healing, one wedding at a time.”

Daddy looks like he’d rather swallow red hot coals than congratulate me. The King restored the Rugova fortunes as a favor to Daddy, and he and Wraye have been able to enter the Court as equals, and marry today, as equals. King Anson seems to be silently reminding Daddy of that now.

White-lipped, Daddy bows wordlessly to the King.

King Anson takes my hand and kisses my cheek. “Congratulations, Lady Aubrey. I’m looking forward to seeing you and your fiancé at the palace to discuss the future of the stables.”

He’s what?

I stare after him as he moves away across the dancefloor, the crowd parting and bowing before him.

When I turn back to Cassian, I see Wraye standing at Daddy’s side, beaming at us. Her heart seems to be bursting with happiness, and I feel a rush of gratitude for her.

“I’m sorry. I think we’ve stolen your thunder.”

Wraye just goes on smiling. “Congratulations. I couldn’t be happier for you both.”

At her side, Daddy glares at us, narrow-eyed. Without another word, he turns away, taking Wraye with him.

My eyes fill with tears. I didn’t expect a hug, but he could at least have said something.

Cassian looks at my miserable face. He clasps my hand and pulls us after Daddy. “Archduke Levanter, I’ve got something to say to you.”

Daddy’s back stiffens as he comes to a halt. When he turns to face us, he looks even angrier than he did a moment ago. He points to a nearby door and growls, “In there. Both of you.”

The room has sofas, and the four of us assemble, without sitting down. Daddy closes the door behind us, blocking out the nosy wedding guests. I hope Wraye isn’t angry with us, but she looks more worried by what Daddy is going to do than anything else. She catches my eye and flashes me a sympathetic smile.

Before Daddy has a chance to say anything, Cassian announces, “I’m marrying your daughter. If you don’t like it, tough, because I’m doing it anyway.”

Daddy’s jaw flexes, and his eyes flash. In the past, I would have hurried to placate Daddy and urged Cassian to soften his approach, but after the rollercoaster of emotions I’ve just been on, I’m just happy Cassian and I are still on this ride together.

Daddy doesn’t have to approve. Daddy can stick it.

He turns to me. “Don’t you have anything to say?”

“Not really. Are you going to disown me, Daddy?” I try and make my voice strong, but it wobbles at the end. By his side, Wraye glances up at him with worried eyes.

“I’m not happy, Aubrey.”

The words slice me like a knife. I suppose it was too much to hope that everyone could get what they wanted. It’s so unfair, considering how I worked hard to be happy for Daddy and Wraye.

“Then I’ll have to live with that. You told me to live my own life, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Daddy sighs wearily and rubs a hand over his forehead. “Do you love him?”

“With all my heart. I don’t think I have it in me to be Lady Aubrey, Daddy. I never understood what being part of your world means. You and Wraye should raise some lords and ladies of your own to carry on the Levanter line. Then you can bring them to me, and I’ll teach them to ride.”

Daddy casts the merest glance at his wife. It’s so quick that if I’d blinked, I would have missed it, but there was something meaningful in that look. Wraye flashes him a smile.

“I just wanted you to be happy here, sweetheart.”

“And I am happy,” I tell him. “But I’m doing it my way.”

Daddy turns to Cassian, and his gaze grows chillier. “You’re a resourceful man, going over my head to the King. I’m the one who authorizes the marriage certificates in the Court of Paravel.”

Cassian stares stonily back at him. “I wouldn’t know how you lot work. It was the King’s idea.”

Daddy gives a hmmph of annoyance, but he can’t argue with the will of his King. “I didn’t know your father for very long, Bellerose, but they were the worst minutes of my life.”

My stomach lurches. Does he have to bring that up now?