There’s plenty of warmth between us, but also a flicker of sizing the other one up. We used to chase each other up the rankings at local competitions, one of us winning, and then the other. Neither of us can anticipate who’ll be the better rider today, so it’s with a loaded bonne chance that we bid goodbye to each other.

Twenty minutes later, I watch Daphne ride out into the arena. She’s confident and relaxed as she takes her horse through their routine, and they move beautifully together.

Several competitors later, Daphne leads in the rankings. I feel my stomach tighten with anxiety, and I realize just how much I want to win on my new home soil and prove I belong here. I want to show Daddy that I can make the right decisions for myself and that my way of doing things is just as valid as his.

It’s nearly time for me to enter the arena, and I mount up. As I gaze distractedly around, I see a glint of gold hair in the sunlight.


He’s leaning against the bleachers with a lopsided grin for me, and my stomach turns over. Damn, he’s handsome. Charm shines out of his eyes and hits me full in the heart. When my name is called, he puts two fingers between his lips and lets out an ear-splitting whistle that cuts over everyone’s polite applause. Heads turn and people frown at him because this is a dressage competition, not a football game.

I fight it, but a grin breaks over my face as I trot out onto the sawdust to take my starting position.

Seeing Cassian has given me a boost of confidence, and I’m able to block out the crowd as I take Cinnamon through our moves. Her caramel colored coat gleams in the sunlight, and her muscles ripple as we trot, canter and move around the arena. Every now and then a burst of applause penetrates my concentration, but mostly, I’m focused on Cinnamon and she on me.

We finish to another round of applause and an ear-splitting whistle. I can’t help but smile again when I hear it.

We were good, but were we good enough to win? I take off my riding helmet and shake out my hair as I wait. I hold my breath as the scores are announced. Eights, and even more nines. My heart lifts—and then crashes back to earth, as I see I’m trailing two-tenths of a point behind Daphne. She’s going to win, and it looks like I’m going to come in second.

I plaster a smile on my face, lead Cinnamon back to the holding area, and head into the competitors’ marquee to collect my score sheet. I’m about to accept a paper cup of orange squash from a volunteer, when I see a man with a sun-kissed face and wild blond hair coming through the tent toward me.

“You little beauty!” Cassian lifts me up in his arms and swings me around. “That was amazing.”

I’m smiling as my feet touch down, but my heart is still rocketing through the atmosphere. “Thank you. I would have liked to win, though.”

“Eights and nines across the board, and Lady Fancypants isn’t happy.”

He seems like he’s about to drop a kiss on my mouth, and I anticipate the warm pressure of his lips. Suddenly, his body goes stiff, and he drops his arms and steps back.

I turn and gaze over my shoulder to see what he’s looking at. It’s Daddy and Wraye.

Wraye’s smiling, but Daddy’s frozen in place as he glowers at Cassian from beneath his thick, dark brows. I think he’d like to burn Cassian up with his stare, and I remember what he said the night of the engagement party.

You even look like Lungren.

But Cassian’s not General Lungren. Daddy needs to understand that his past has nothing to do with my present. I reach defiantly for Cassian’s hand, only to find that he’s disappearing through the marquee entrance and out into the sunshine.

I stare sadly at the spot where he stood. I wish Cassian would understand that, too.

I accept Daddy and Wraye’s congratulations with the biggest smile that I can manage, but the day suddenly feels cold. They promise to take me out to dinner to celebrate and tell me they’ll meet me out front when I’m done.

They walk off a few paces, but then Wraye comes hurrying back.

“Invite anyone you want to the wedding. Anyone at all. Live your life.” She squeezes my hand and goes to join my father.

I feel a burst of affection for my friend. If only it was that easy. Even if I invite him, Cassian probably won’t come.

I’m deep in thought when I realize there’s a man in a suit standing before me, and he’s already said hello once. I realize with a gasp it’s King Anson, and I sink into a curtsey. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty. Hello, Sir.”