“You’ll see.”

Harley climbed into the truck, and he shut the door for her. She watched him walk around the front of the vehicle and then open the driver’s side door before climbing in beside her. “So you’re not gonna give me any clues?”

“Come on, Harriet, what kind of fun would that be?”

Even she couldn’t hate his use of the name she’d left behind in the city. The way his lips wrapped around those letters started the flutters all over again. She shook her head and nibbled on her lower lip. If he knew her thoughts at this moment, she would have been mortified. Time to get her head on straight.

They drove off the property and turned onto the highway. When they reached the town limits, she started getting nervous. “You’re not gonna take me out somewhere and dump my body, are you?”

He peeked at her, a funny look on his face. “I assure you, if your life was at stake, I’d be the first to sacrifice myself.”

She blinked. That response wasn’t expected. He wasn’t being serious. This was just a role he was playing. Normal guys didn’t say stuff like that.

And yet, his tone said otherwise.

Mason grinned, reaching over to grasp her hand. His thumb traced over her knuckles before he lifted them to his lips.

“Is this for real?” She uttered the question without thinking. She definitely sounded strange now. Harley prayed he hadn’t heard her. Then he wouldn’t give her a peculiar look or ask her what she meant. Because if he did, she’d have to tell him that this wasn’t her first rodeo.

He peeked at her but quickly turned his attention back to the road as they left the lights of the city behind. “Why wouldn’t this be real?”

“You’re not… like… manipulating me… are you?” Her face flushed hot. There she went, saying stupid things again. Why couldn’t she just keep her mouth shut and enjoy herself? Mason was genuine. Deep down, she knew that.

This was her own self-esteem issues bubbling to the surface.

“Harley, I would never manipulate you. I’m going to be frank with you. If tonight goes well, then there will be more than one perk to it.”

“What’s that?” Her throat had turned dry. Here it was. Mason had ulterior motives. “Please tell me this isn’t to impress my uncle. He didn’t tell you to ask me out, did he?”

Mason’s burst of laughter startled her so much she couldn’t help but gape at him. He glanced at her once more. “No one knows that I’m taking you out tonight. Not your uncle. Not my family. It’s just you and me.”

The smile returned to her lips, one she couldn’t hide even if she wanted to.

“Okay, then, what are the perks?”

Mason kissed her hand once more. “Well, it will be nice to be on better terms with you.” He winked at her, stirring up additional flurries. “The thing I’m looking forward to the most is…” He cleared his throat, and his brows furrowed. “I like you, Harley.”

“Yes, you did mention that.” Harley would never openly admit it, but she adored the way he got nervous when he discussed his feelings. Her concerns went out the window and her confidence returned. “So, what you look forward to the most is…” she guided him into his statement once more.

He pulled the truck off to the side of the road at a sign that said mile marker twenty-three. Then he faced her. “I was being honest with you when I said I’ve never told anyone I have feelings for them. The whole truth is that I’ve never dated anyone before and I’m looking forward to seeing what that might mean. With you.”

Harley studied him in the darkness of his truck. He sure knew how to say all the right things. But if he’d never done this before, he certainly wouldn’t know how to manipulate her. This was more than simply being genuine. This was so much more than anything she’d ever been offered.

Mason was a diamond in the rough.

She scooted closer, framed his face with both of her hands and kissed him. Deeply and with her whole heart. She’d never given of herself like this before. There had always been part of her that she’d held back. And yet here she was handing him the key.

Harley couldn’t explain just what it was about being with Mason that made her trust him. Perhaps it was how he seemed to see right through her—past the shields that she’d put up. Their kiss grew more heated by the second. Every last bit of reservation she had about spending time with him faded away.

She hadn’t planned on becoming serious with him. Even when she’d accepted his request for a date, she’d figured she would just be having fun.

It was beyond her control now.

Harley’s head swam with every possibility of a future with him. Her world was spinning off its axis, and for the first time, she wasn’t worried about where it might lead. She pulled back when she could no longer handle the dizziness. Pressing her forehead against his, she let out a breathless laugh. “Okay,” she whispered.


She nodded, nibbling on the inside of her cheek. “Let’s see where this could go—that is… if that’s what you want to do.”