But he couldn’t afford to put his heart on the line like that. He didn’t even know what she was doing here. For all he knew, she was here to pick up something she’d forgotten. Or she’d come back to visit her uncle.

Harley smiled warmly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“You are?”

She laughed. “Of course I am. Actually, I came to find you.”

He didn’t dare hope. Was he dreaming? That’s the only thing that made sense. He was dreaming, and when he woke up, he’d find himself alone.

Harley took a step toward him. “I wanted to tell you that I received my inheritance, and I’ve already been working really hard to create funds for those who need it here.”

“You… what?”

Her smile widened. “I’m working with Shane, and the schools, and even the grocery store. I want to make sure that people around here know they will get some help if they come upon hard times. It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be, mostly because I had to hire someone who can verify that the person requesting financial assistance actually needs it. But mostly, the people who qualify are kids—like you were when your parents…” Her voice trailed off and she flushed visibly. “Anyway, that’s not the only reason I came back.”

“That sounds like a pretty big deal,” he said under his breath.

She nodded. “It is, but it’s not the biggest reason.” Harley took a step toward him. “I came back for you.”

His heart stopped. Right along with that, his body went numb. He couldn’t have heard her correctly. “What?”

Harley rolled her eyes. “I’m here for you, Mason. Ever since I left, all I could think about was how I made the biggest mistake of my life. I fell in love with you. I should have never left.” Her shoulders lifted and dropped as she stood there waiting for him to respond.

In two long strides, Mason moved toward her. He scooped her into his arms and spun her around. His lips found hers, capturing her, claiming her as his own. This was all he’d wanted to hear her say. This was all he’d ever needed.

Harley’s arms wrapped around him, and she kissed him back. They had a lot to work through and trust to rebuild, but he didn’t care. She was back, and she wanted to be with him.

She pulled back with a sharp laugh. “I take it that you’re willing to forgive me? You’re willing to take me back?”

Mason placed her on her feet and framed her face with both of his hands. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since you left. You don’t know how many times I had to convince myself that it wouldn’t bode well if I chased after you.”

“You could have chased after me,” Harley whispered.

He shook his head. “I wouldn’t dare make demands of the great Harley Pembrooke. You are the strongest woman I know. Each and every decision you make has to come from your heart. I understand that better than anything.”

She tilted her head. “But there’s something you don’t understand.”

“What’s that?” He pressed his forehead to hers.

“You make me want to be better simply by being you. I’ve never felt like you’ve forced me to fall in line or improve myself. Somehow, you manage to make me want to be that person. Twenty years under my mother’s roof, and even she couldn’t manage it.” She ducked her head and hid an embarrassed smile. “It’s probably not a very good personality trait, but that’s how it is.”

Mason tilted her face upward. “I just want you to be happy. I would love you no matter what. You’re amazing, and I have no problem reminding you of that fact every single day.”

Her eyes brimmed with emotion. “That’s all I’ve ever needed.”

“That, and macaroni and cheese made with sausage.”

She tossed her head back. “Yes, we can’t forget that.”

Mason pulled her close, kissing her deeply. In that kiss, he promised her the world. Together with her by his side, they could make a real difference in the world. And they’d never feel alone again.



Harley and Mason had officially been dating for a few months and she still didn’t feel like she belonged. Mason’s family was so large, and they were so close that it was hard to find a way to get them to accept her.

It probably didn’t help her case that she’d been the one to leave. She wasn’t sure what Mason had told his family about her, but she got the feeling she would need to prove herself before they welcomed her into their fold.