“It’s so much more. I hope you can see that. But if you want to reduce this arrangement to roles, then I would be open to writing up an amended contract—from the one our parents put together.”

She gnawed on her lower lip. “You realize what I’m doing this for, right? I’m sure you’ve heard.”

“Your inheritance.”

Harley could feel the heat creep back into her face. “It’s not just the money. It’s what I want to use it for. You mentioned a charity function. I want to do more than just attend ridiculous parties where people make themselves feel better about their wealth by donating to one cause or another. I want to make a real difference.”

Anthony tilted his head as if contemplating what she was saying. “I think that’s an admirable—”

“No. You don’t get it. I’m not going to live in some expensive house and drive a top-of-the-line car. I’m not going to spend my money on clothes that cost as much money as it would take to feed a small community. If you hitch your wagon to mine, I want to make it clear that the lifestyles we led as children aren’t going to be the way we live after we’re married. I’d expect you to become a partner in that plan. I’d need you to back me up when my mother inevitably tells you to rein me in.”


“Really? It’s as easy as that?”

Anthony nodded. “I don’t know what your experiences have been with other men, but I’m not going to try to control you. As far as I’m concerned, you have a free pass.”

She lifted a single brow. “Would you feel the same way if I told you that I wanted to do something abhorrent? I mean, charities are easy to agree to—”

“Harriet—Harley—I don’t think I could control you even if I wanted to. That being said, from our short interactions with one another, I think I can safely say you wouldn’t be interested in anything… abhorrent.” A smile tugged at his lips. “Luckily for us both, we seem to be a better match than either one of us could’ve expected.”



Mason hid away in the loft of the barn with his book, but he couldn’t get into it. He’d attempted to start the novel a dozen times and failed. Right about now, everyone at home would be coming out to do their daily chores.

Due to his agreement with Elijah, he should be doing the same.

Unfortunately, his brother would be left disappointed. If Mason couldn’t find the energy to do what actually brought him joy, he definitely wouldn’t find the energy to do the grueling work his brother assigned to him.

“What are you doing up there?”

Mason froze. There wasn’t any chance that whoever was talking was speaking to him. He just needed to keep quiet.

“Mason, I can see your boot from here. What are you doing in the loft? Aren’t you supposed to be out in the pastures checking on the cattle?”


Mason pulled his foot closer to him and then scooted to the edge of the loft. He poked his head out to where he could see Carter. “It’s none of your business what I’m doing up here. Aren’t you supposed to be working, too?”

Carter shrugged. “Probably.”

“Then what are you doing here?” Mason demanded. The longer they conversed, the higher the likelihood that he’d get caught.

His brother shrugged again. “Why aren’t you out at the Abrams property?”

Mason scowled. “None of your business.”

“Is that all you know to say?”

Mason’s scowl deepened. “What do you want, Carter? I came up here to be alone. If you’re going to keep talking, then let me know now so I can find a new hiding place.”

Carter glanced over his shoulder and then moved to the ladder.

“That wasn’t an invitation. I meant what I said when—”

“Move over.” Carter got to the top of the ladder, their stares battling with one another. By the looks of it, Carter wasn’t willing to let him be. Any attempt to steal away and find a new hiding place would end up with Carter tagging along.