Her heart twisted, yanked from the comfortable spot within her. Mason was gone—literally and figuratively. He would never be coming back, and she’d never have a reason to read one of those ridiculous novels.

Anthony glanced over his shoulder toward her. She couldn’t tell if he’d heard her or if he’d sensed her arrival. At this point, it didn’t much matter. Harley sighed, her shoulders lifting with effort and then dropping like they weighed a hundred pounds. “So, what’s next?”

“What’s next?” Anthony repeated before placing the book on the shelf. “What’s next is that we plan the wedding, right? At least that’s the most logical course of action.”

She didn’t move from her place in the doorway. As she studied him, she couldn’t help one thought that continued to race through her mind. “Why you?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Why did my mother sign off on you? When you got here, all anyone told me was that you had agreed to marry me and our folks are the kings of meddling.”

He chuckled. “I would have thought that you’d ask me what was in it for me.”

“That too. But first, I want to know what it is about you that makes my mother so eager to marry me off to you. Please tell me you’re not some backwards a-wife-should-be-seen-and-not-heard guys.” Harley folded her arms. It would be so like her mother to find someone like that just to make Harley miserable.

“Hardly.” He laughed.

“Then why you?”

He didn’t answer right away, his hesitation setting off even more red flags than before.

She continued, “I’m sure you’ve heard of me and all of the havoc I’ve wreaked.”

Anthony nodded. “You’d be right.”

“Then what on earth are you getting out of this? And why are you so special?”

He smiled. “I figured we’d have a chance to get to know each other a little more before you jumped into the harder questions.” He gestured to the couch. “How about you take a seat, and I’ll tell you.”

“Just like that? You’ll tell me everything,” she muttered with suspicion. “Are you sure my mother is on board with that? Because in my experience, the more I find out, the less likely I am to behave.”

His brows creased, but he maintained that certain air of gentlemanly behavior she was certain her mother adored. Once again, he motioned to the couch. “I’m going to take a seat. I suppose it’s up to you if you’d like to ask your questions from the doorway or in a more comfortable location.”

Harley rolled her eyes, huffed, then slogged over to the couch and took a seat just as he settled beside her.

“First, in answer to your question, I believe all you need to know is that I come from a family of money, status, and I have a Yale degree. From what I understand, those were the only qualifications your mother inquired about.”

She snorted. “Of course they are. She doesn’t care if you’re abusive or if you’d treat me right.” Her eyes flitted away. “She wouldn’t care if you’re going to make me want to be a better person.” This time, her voice was so low she was certain he couldn’t hear her.

Oh, how wrong she was.

“Is that what you look for in a suitor? Someone who will push you to become the best version of yourself?”

Harley’s eyes darted back to Anthony and her face flushed hot. She didn’t know what to say to that question. She couldn’t brush it off, and yet admitting to it made her sound weak.

The corners of his lips tugged upward, and he held up both hands as if he were a cowboy trying to wrangle a wild horse. “I’m going to be frank with you. For as much as you feel you aren’t interested in settling down with a guy who may or may not check your boxes, I never thought I’d let my folks set me up either.”

“Then why are you here?” she snapped. “What could possibly convince you to throw your life away on someone you don’t love.”

He stared at her then, his eyes delving into her like he could see every secret she kept, every weakness she tried to cover up, and every desire she’d ever had.

Harley tore her eyes away, clasping her hands in her lap much like she’d done when she was scolded as a child. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have talked to you with that tone. I’m still… just… trying to wrap my head around this.”

Anthony adjusted his position on the couch and then reached for her hand. “Honestly? I think I would have been more worried if you had gone along with this from the start. I know it took me a while to come to terms with this. My folks agreed to this weeks ago.”

Her head snapped up. “Weeks ago?”

He nodded, a chuckle dragging from his lips. “I wasn’t ready to accept it either. But I came around.”