He hadn’t been dating Harley for very long, and already he was ready to go to war for this woman. The worst part was how she didn’t even pull away from him. Her eyes remained trained on this tall, dark, handsome stranger. Not once did she glance in Mason’s direction after he first arrived.

Either she was trying to make a statement, or she was so wrapped up in whoever this was that she didn’t care.

Regardless, Mason wasn’t having any of it.

He shoved the door open, slammed it shut and charged forward.

The sound of the door cracking against the vehicle was the only thing that seemed to draw the attention of the stranger. His eyes followed Mason as he hurried up the steps. They remained glued to Mason even as he hovered over this man with his fists at his sides.

“I’d appreciate it if you’d release my girlfriend.”


Mason jerked his eyes to Harley. “No. You don’t get to say anything. Right now, this is between me and him.”

At least the stranger had good enough sense not to say a word. There was a great deal of confusion in his gaze. Still, he held onto Harley’s hand, something that Mason noted with growing irritation. “I said, release her.”

Harley shot to her feet, dropping this man’s hand, her eyes narrowed. Before she could utter a word, Mason reached for her hand and pulled her aside.

“What are you doing? One fight and you go off and get someone new?” he asked.

“It’s not what you think,” she said almost in a whisper. “This is bigger than you will ever understand.”

“Try me,” he seethed. “I get that things work a little differently in the city, but they shouldn’t be so different that you go and find a new boyfriend just because we get in an argument.”

Harley shook her head. “That’s not what this is about.”

“You have yet to explain any of this to me. I’d love to know what’s going on.” Mason shot another dark look at the stranger. “And don’t think you can claim that he’s your cousin. I won’t believe that for a second.”

She looked away, making it clearer than ever that she wasn’t proud of what was taking place at this moment in time. Mason dropped her hand and took a step back. She didn’t have to say a word for him to know what that look meant.

Harley had made her decision. She’d chosen someone else.

And he didn’t know if he had the stomach to hear her say as much. What he wouldn’t give to rewind the clock and listen to Vern’s advice. Who knew how long Harley had this planned? If there was anything that taught Mason just how different they were, this moment was it.

Still, he couldn’t bring himself to drag his body down those steps and get into his truck without hearing her confess what had happened.

“Harley,” he whispered. “What’s going on?”

She didn’t lift her eyes, instead keeping them trained on her hands. “That’s Anthony.”

“And Anthony is…”

“My fiancé.”


“My fiancé,” she repeated.

“I don’t…” His brain fogged up like a mirror in the bathroom during a steamy shower. He couldn’t compute what was happening. Had Anthony been in the picture before she’d arrived in Copper Creek? No, Harley wouldn’t have strung him along like that.

At least, he hoped so. Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure what he knew to be the truth about her.

“It’s part of the agreement I have with my mother,” Harley said flatly. “Apparently, our little outing triggered another clause in the plan.”

Mason’s brows lowered over narrowed eyes. “You’re joking. Please tell me you’re joking.”

Slowly, she shook her head. “This is part of it. Anthony is here to get to know me before we fly home and start the wedding preparations.”