“Will you just answer me? I feel like you should have said something by now.”

He reached out and caressed her face. “I like you because you’re… you.”

She groaned, shaking her head. “That’s not an answer either.”

“Well, it’s gonna have to do for now.”

Harley let out a frustrated breath and spun away from him. “When I came here, I planned on doing the bare minimum, you know?”

“Yeah, I figured that was your plan.” He moved closer to her, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him as she stared out at the land that surrounded this place. “Turns out, you realized there was more to being out here than meets the eye, huh?”

“I’m serious, Mason. I wasn’t expecting to come out here and meet a guy. I most certainly wasn’t coming out here to fall for my uncle’s ranch hand. I just wanted to do my time and be done with it.”

He smiled, his lips grazing against her neck. “I didn’t realize I was so irresistible.”

She huffed, and his smile widened. Harley turned around in his arms and stared into his eyes. “The more I got to know you, the more I started to realize I could do more around here at the ranch and in Copper Creek. I could be a help. Heck, I could go back to school and make something of…” Her voice trailed off and she blushed. Her tone had an underlying weight to it, but he worried if he pointed it out, she’d close herself off to him.

Mason pulled her in for a hug. “I’m sure that whatever you decide to do, you’ll be great. The world can always use a good person who wants to go above and beyond.”

She wrapped her arms around him, her hands coming up to hold him in a vise grip. “Do you really think I could make a difference?”

“I know you can.”

“You really don’t think I’m just some city girl who has nothing going for her except her reputation?”

Mason pulled away from her. “Is that what this is about? You don’t think I see you as anything more than a rich girl?”

She shrugged. “What if I wasn’t? Rich, that is.”

“Money isn’t everything.”

Harley’s ghost of a smile returned. “Yeah, I’m beginning to see that.” She shivered and he gave her a pointed look. Harley let out a laugh. “Okay, okay. You were right. I guess I was reverting back to the person I was before we met.” She eyed his suit coat. “Maybe you could share?”

He rolled his eyes, but his smile gave him away. “Do you even want to be here? We don’t have to stay.”

“And miss out on going dancing? I wouldn’t even dream of it.” She held out her hand after she’d donned his jacket. “Take me to the dance floor.”

They didn’t make it ten steps before Shane Owens ran into them. He seemed more surprised by Harley’s getup than anyone else in the room. Mason could empathize with the man for keeping his gaze trained on anything but her outfit.

He held out his hand. “Mason, how’s it going?”

“Great. This place is as busy as ever.”

Shane glanced around at his business. “It never ceases to amaze me how much the folks out here enjoy this place.” He glanced once more in Harley’s direction. “I don’t believe I’ve met your date.”

Mason placed his hand on the small of Harley’s back. “This is Vern Abrams’ niece. She’s here for the summer. Harley, this is Shane Owens. He runs this place.”

Her eyes widened, and he could already tell she was trying to compute the amount of wealth the man had.

“Mr. Owens is also the head of several charitable organizations. He even contributed to a fund that helped my brother get our ranch back on its feet.” Mason didn’t miss the sharp look Harley sent his way. “It was only a few years ago that our house was practically crumbling,” Mason said and chuckled. “And Shane saw to it that we didn’t have to tear the whole thing down and start from scratch.”

“You’re making it sound like I saved your place,” Shane brushed him off. “But none of it would have been possible if your family didn’t have all of those hard workers.” He flashed Harley a smile, then one to Mason. “It’s been nice catching up, but I have a few other people I need to see. Pleasure to meet you, Miss…”

“Pembrooke.” Harley held out her hand and gave Shane’s hand a firm shake. “The pleasure is mine, I assure you.”

Shane nodded to her and then disappeared into the crowd.

“So, he really just gives his money away, huh?” Harley mused.