Page 29 of Forever Wicked

“I can find my own clothes. You don’t have to…”

Gia stopped. No, Jason didn’t have to choose her clothes, but his raised brow told her that he wanted to. In fact, he insisted. It should really bug the independent woman in her, but the idea that he sought to select every stitch on her body from the skin out excited her.

“All right,” she murmured.

“Excellent. Off with you. I’ll take care of everything else.”


Jason watched his wife walk up the stairs. She intended to keep him separate from the rest of her life. Not acceptable. He suspected Gia worried about her parents’ reaction to their marriage. No, he wasn’t Catholic, but Marco and Silvana Angelotti would surely see his other redeeming qualities—namely that he would always take care of their daughter.

Later, he’d allow himself to feel disappointment in Gia’s behavior. Now, he had other plans.

Before he’d asked Thorpe to reach out to his wife, Jason had examined his marriage from every angle and found three impediments to making their relationship last. He’d cured the first by bringing Gia here to actually spend time with him so she could see what their life together might be like. He hadn’t completely fixed the second problem, but he’d started the process. It shouldn’t take much longer. The last? Well, maybe today he could enact change...even if he had to force her to face her fear.

For now, he’d show her a pleasurable afternoon while he ironed out the new wrinkle between them: her insistence on love.

Frowning, he pulled out his phone and made a few arrangements, then headed upstairs to the bedroom he shared with his wife. That had a nice ring, and he had to admit that he’d been much happier since getting her under his roof. She looked rested. He’d even managed to put a few pounds back on her. All in all, it had been a successful nine days.

Time to step up his game and close the deal.

Once in the master bedroom, he heard the shower running behind the closed bathroom door. Prowling to his adjoining walk-in closet, he opened his armoire and pulled out a few bags. He’d carefully chosen the contents of each over the past week. A bra here, a skirt there. Understated but sexy heels. A designer bag with a beautiful pop of bright pink. According to his assistant, these would thrill Gia, and he enjoyed buying her things she’d never buy for herself.

Next, Jason pulled open the jewelry drawer. Inside, he found the Tiffany blue velvet box with Gia’s wedding ring tucked away and clutched it in his fist.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained…

With a decisive nod, he shut the armoire doors and laid all the items out on their bed, including the ring. Gia’s reaction should be enlightening.

Quickly, he made use of one of the bathrooms down the hall—not his first choice, but if he showered with her…it would be hours before they made it out the door. After he dressed, he padded back to his home office downstairs and shut the door behind him.

In low tones, he made calls until he found the security group he should have hired to begin with. Its leader was a legend, and his team regarded as flawless. The accompanying price tag reflected that. Perhaps the local talent was okay for some situations, but Jason’s was too important. He couldn’t wait another minute, and he refused to settle for less than the best.

“Edgington here.” The voice on the other end was deep and direct.

“Jason Denning. I’d like to hire you, and I need results in less than a week. Since it’s a rush job, I’ll compensate you accordingly.”

“Money isn’t the only reason to take a case, and a man throwing his cash around like he thinks he has a big dick is fucking annoying.”

Jason appreciated a straight shooter. “I agree. But money, I have. Time…I don’t. You charge a pretty penny for your skills, and I have nothing to offer you except extra for expediency. I’m assuming green works for you?”

The older man grunted. “How did you get my personal number?”

“Through your son. He’s a friend.”

“Since Hunter is overseas, and Logan has always had a bigger mouth, I’m assuming you mean him. But my younger son doesn’t have many friends.”

Jason respected the man’s skepticism. “Fine. Not a friend exactly. We frequent the same dungeon in Dallas.”

“Dominion, huh? Would Thorpe vouch for you?”

“One hundred percent. Call him, if you’d like.”

“I’ve already texted him.” Edgington pauses. “Tell me about your case, Mr. Denning. I’ll let you know if my team and I will take it.”

Jason filled him in, providing all the details he’d been able to glean over the past months and from Gia herself. Once finished, he gripped his phone and tried to tamp down his impatience. “This is dangerous and critical. I need action, and I need it now.”

The older man tapped keys in the background, then whistled. “You’re right. This situation is very dangerous. My team and I can handle it. You’ll get results—fast. As it happens, I have a pair of men in your area. One-Mile Walker is the best sniper in the private sector on the whole damn planet. Trees Scott manipulates tech like nothing I’ve ever seen. They’ll make things happen fast.”