“Stay,” he demands as blood drips down his face, into his eyes, seeping on his already stained shirt and saturating it.

The bullet lodged in his forehead should kill any human. But Mathias is definitely more. That becomes obvious when he frowns and the bullet oozes from the wound, falling to the ground with a clink. The gaping hole heals itself instantly.

“You’ve ruined one of my favorite shirts, along with my night, and given me an enormous headache,” the dark wizard complains as he flings his arm in a whiplike motion.

Something punctures my chest. It’s enormous. Sharp. And venom-filled. The invisible weapon burns as it slices down my torso, threatening to gut me.

The pain forces me to double over. Mathias laughs, the maniacal sound bouncing off the walls, closing in on me. I curl my hands over my middle and come away with a fistful of blood. I glare at Mathias in horror. Has the wizard used his magic to divert my immortality and kill me? Because I am rapidly losing my life. I feel my soul trying to float from my body.

“No!” Olivia shouts, running to my rescue. “Stop it! Leave him alone!”

Blackness narrows my vision. “Must. Go. Be safe.”

“I won’t leave you!” She wraps her arms around me protectively.

But nothing stops the fiery slice of my flesh, now cutting down to my hips. My guts will tumble to the concrete soon. Blood drips down my abdomen and seeps onto my thighs.

What is this sorcery? I am going to die. Is Mathias more magical than Morgana’s curse? Heaven help the Doomsday Brethren. I will not be here to assist them. I push aside my regret and focus on Olivia. She must be safe.

“Get on your knees, human.” Mathias saunters closer with menace carved into his face.

“Fuck. You.”

He laughs. “You’re the one who’s fucked. Let’s try this again. Get on your knees, or I will inflict the same death on your mate.”

I kneel instantly at his feet, wobbling as a hot pool of my own blood gathers around me. “Go, love. For me.”

“Marrok…” The tears in her voice wrench my heart.

Mathias laughs again. “That’s where you belong, where all humans belong, prostrated before me. You can do better than him, witchling.”

That I cannot deny. Olivia deserves someone befitting her bloodline and her beautiful heart. But no man—wizard or human—will ever be more devoted to her.

“I love you,” I choke out. I cannot leave her or this life without saying those words.

Then my world turns black.

Chapter Fifty-Nine


As Marrok crumples to the concrete, I swallow back my scream and glare toe to toe with Mathias. Before, I’d been terrified of the dark wizard, doing anything and everything to avoid his wrath.

Now I’m just pissed off.

“Perhaps your mate isn’t so immortal after all,” Mathias drawls, his hands dripping blood.

He looks like an extra from a horror flick. Though he was shot twice, he doesn’t seem hurt. I know magic makes that possible, but it’s terrifying.

Still, timidity has gotten me nowhere with the wizard. I’ve played by his rules, and he gravely injured Marrok, whose possibly final words were that he loves me.

I love Marrok, too. So much. It gouges my soul to think of him dying, especially bloody and defeated. Why isn’t he spontaneously healing?

Whatever the reason, I’m not giving up. Mathias is going down.

“Down, witchling? You haven’t even learned to master your thoughts, much less me.” Mathias cocks his head, looking amused. “Are you getting angry?”

“I’m already there,” I snap.