No, Matteo had to be here. He’d never, ever, let her down. So no matter where he was in the world, Bailey knew that Matteo would have gotten here. She prayed that Matteo, the man she missed desperately, was somewhere in the audience.

For the next forty minutes, Bailey listened to the graduation speeches with a half an ear, wondering how much longer until she could walk across that stage. Memories of Matteo not attending his high school graduation flitted through her mind, and she understood his past reluctance now. This ceremony was for the parents, not the students. She definitely wasn’t getting anything out of this long and tedious ceremony. She was here because her mother wanted to see her walk across the stage to receive her degree.

So she sat, twiddling her thumbs wishing she was talking with Matteo and getting him on board with her plan.

Finally, the speeches ended and they began calling each graduate’s name to take their turn walking across the stage. She groaned, impatient to get on with it.

After another hour, the president of the university stood behind the podium and grandly announced that they’d all graduated. There was a raucous cheer and a bunch of hats flew into the air. Bailey rolled her eyes and huffed impatiently. She wanted to get out of here and see Matteo. Yeah, she wanted to tell him her plan as well, but it had been months since she’d actually spoken face to face with him. He’d pop into town every few months and they’d have lunch or dinner together. But this…her plan for everyone’s future, would be a much more interesting conversation! Plus, she just wanted to see him again.

It still took another half hour before she found her mother in the enormous crowd. When Bailey finally spotted her, she jumped up and down, grabbing Tim’s arm as she dragged him with her as she hurried for her mother’s congratulatory hug.

“I’m so proud of you!” Anna Larkin gasped, hugging Bailey tightly. She turned and smiled as she looked over Bailey’s shoulder. “And you must be Timothy,” she said, extending her hand. “I’ve heard so much about you and it’s an honor to finally meet you.”

Timothy nudged his wire-rimmed glasses higher onto his nose and nodded awkwardly. There was a strained tension that never seemed to leave Timothy’s body, but today, he seemed extra worried and Bailey knew why.

“I’ve heard a great deal about you too, Ms. Larkin,” Tim replied. His lanky form gave off “scientist vibes” so strong they were comical. The man would fit perfectly into any movie or television set about a geeky scientist. “Bailey talks about you all the time.”

Anna laughed and hugged Bailey close. “From what Bailey tells me, you have an impressive future ahead of you!”

Tim bowed his head slightly, blushing at the praise. “Thank you ma’am.”

Anna shifted, her body language indicating that she’d already accepted Tim into their small “family”. But she also looked around, obviously looking for someone else. “Where’s Matteo? I spoke to him earlier and he said he’d be here.”

Bailey’s chocolate eyes widened. “You spoke to him already?” she asked, then turned to search the crowd. Her heart pounded against her ribs, but Bailey told herself it was only because she missed her friend. The fact that she never felt this excited to see Tim wasn’t a point that she was going to think about.

“Yes. We tried to connect so that we could sit together, but he was running behind and the crowd was too heavy for us to find each other in time.”

“I’m here,” a deep, masculine voice called out.

Bailey turned towards the voice, her eyes wide and hopeful. She immediately recognized the tall man with the broad, muscular shoulders coming towards them.

As she did, her entire face lit up with joy and she rushed across the small expanse of gravel, throwing herself into Matteo’s arms. “You’re here!” she gasped, hugging him tightly. “Oh, I’ve missed you!”

He laughed and the rich, deep sound filled her with a joy that had been missing for the past several years. First, when he’d gone off to college and then during her own years at university. But now Bailey had a plan to keep them together! She had a brilliant plan, in fact!

When she loosened her hold, Bailey kept her hands on his shoulders as she beamed up at him. “You look good,” she whispered. “Are you okay?”

He chuckled and nodded, but stepped back out of her arms. “I’m okay,” he replied quietly. She remembered that Matteo never allowed his emotions to show and the memory broke her heart.

But she wasn’t going to let Matteo’s past mess up the present. “I have an idea,” she told him, her eyes alight with anticipation.

Anna laughed and stepped closer, encircling Matteo and Bailey with her arms and her eyes. “I know you want to talk about your brilliant plan with Matteo, but perhaps we could do it away from this huge crowd?” she offered. “This isn’t something that should be discussed in public.” She turned and smiled at Timothy, including him in her conspiratorial whisper. “I have a picnic lunch for all of us and I know the perfect place to sit and celebrate, and also discuss Bailey’s plan.”

Matteo’s dark eyebrow lifted quizzically at that and Bailey smiled her agreement. “Mom is right. This really should be a more private conversation.”

“Sounds intriguing,” Matteo replied with his melodic Spanish accent tinting his words. That’s when he noticed Tim. His gaze immediately cooled. “And you are?”

Matteo felt an unexpectedly powerful jolt when Bailey stepped over to the tall, lanky stranger. The guy was handsome enough, but Matteo immediately decided that he wasn’t “right” for Bailey. Whoever he was, he looked smart, but Bailey needed a man that was stronger, someone who could keep up with her wild imagination and energy.

Bailey linked arms with the stranger, causing Matteo’s jaw to clench. But she seemed oblivious to his disapproval.

“Matteo,” she started off, smiling up at him, then at the other man, “this is Tim. Tim, this is the guy I’ve been telling you about.”

Slowly, as if he’d rather chew cut glass, Matteo extended his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he lied.

Tim nodded, his eyes equally intense. Matteo had to give him points for not cowering like so many other people he’d met lately.

“I’ve heard a great deal about you,” Timothy replied. “This meeting is very important.” He glanced at Bailey and smiled. “For all three of us, hopefully.”